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Questions tagged [names-of-god]

Throughout the Bible, God is referred to by a variety of names and titles. Use this tag for questions about the meaning and/or use of those names/titles. It can also be used for questions about titles given to Jesus.

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to the literalist (YEC), question about the name "LORD"

In Genesis 2 and 3, the story-teller (the author) use "LORD" (Yahweh) several times. To me, the situation by the time the author wrote/tell the story read in Genesis 2 - at least some people live at ...
karma's user avatar
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Are there any Indian Christian traditions (Liturgical or scriptural) where God is referred to as "Brahman"?

The title sums up the question. The reason I ask is that historically Catholics have placed a heavy emphasis on inculturation when evangelising new cultures. Rather than introducing western words for ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
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Are the acrostics in Esther deliberate or coincidental?

The book of Esther famously does not mention God anywhere, unlike any other book in the Bible. (Note: This is only true of the Hebrew version, the Greek additions do mention God.) However, there are ...
Dark Malthorp's user avatar
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Correlations between "Names of God", "God's attributes", and the 3 common ways of knowing God ("univocal, analogical, equivocal")

When reading philosophical theology literature, I often come across 3 sets of terminologies to how a human being comes to (metaphysically) know God or to understand (conceptually) who God is: ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar