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Correlations between "Names of God", "God's attributes", and the 3 common ways of knowing God ("univocal, analogical, equivocal")

When reading philosophical theology literature, I often come across 3 sets of terminologies to how a human being comes to (metaphysically) know God or to understand (conceptually) who God is: ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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What is God's name? [duplicate]

Is it Yahweh or is it Elohim? Do those words mean the same? I heard both these words being used in the comment section to the song what if God was one of us. One line in the song goes, If God had a ...
Neil Meyer's user avatar
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What does "God" mean? [closed]

Muslims call God Allah. Jews call him JHWH, Christians call Him God. The name has even become the word to point to entities that are gods. Who has given God this name? Does it come from the Greek &...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
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What was the early-Christendom position on attributing pagan names to Christian concepts (mainly god)? Was there opposition to doing this?

In the ancient times, the newly-converted European cultures naturally reused their native "pagan" words to refer to some of the newly-acquired Christian concepts, rather then re-inventing the wheel. ...
Seninha's user avatar
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