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El Elohe Isra’el - What does it mean?

So when Jacob names the site of his altar, he declares “El Elohe Isra’el”. I understand the most common translation of this phrase is said to be something along the lines of “God is the God of Israel”....
Jair Crawford's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the difference between the names of "Jehovah God" and "The Lord"?

I noticed that the American Standard Version of the Bible describes God in a couple different ways. For example, Genesis 3:8: And they heard the voice of Jehovah God walking in the garden in the ...
Jay T.'s user avatar
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Isn't "Jehovah-Jireh" (and other such names) just the name of a place?

It seems like many of what are referred to as the names of God are actually the names of places that have been dedicated to God: Jehovah-nissi - Moses built an altar and called that it Jehovah-nissi (...
dleyva3's user avatar
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Why is the word 'Lord' in all caps in the OT but not in the NT?

My friend asked me the other day, why is the word 'Lord' in all capital letters in the Old Testament but not the New Testament? I tend to lean towards the fact that the OT was written in Hebrew and ...
Rachel's user avatar
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