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2 answers

What is the Name of This Cross?

In the approbation given the 1854 edition of St. Alphonsus Liguori's Preparation for Death (or Considerations on the Eternal Maxims) one finds: QUESTION: Does anyone know the name of this cross? It ...
DDS's user avatar
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Why did Pilate use the attribute of Messiah for Jesus?

In an example of exceptional cases, NIV of Mtt 27:17 reads: When the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Did Shakespeare get his name from Psalm 46? [closed]

There is a theory going around that Shakespeare adopted his name from the Bible. Alleged evidence for this claim is that Shakespeare was in King James' service during the preparation of the King James ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why is it common to refer to Jacob as Jacob, rather than calling him Israel?

There are several examples in the Bible where faithful people were given a new name: Abram became Abraham (Genesis 17:5) Sarai became Sarah (Genesis 17:15) Jacob became Israel (Genesis 32:28; 35:10) ...
Samuel Bradshaw's user avatar
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Baptism first name (or confirmation middle name) for special devotion to the Holy Trinity?

Catholics almost always have first and second names indicating devotion to some saints, expecting special help and intercession from them. I feel, that there is no good saint which can be my patron ...
TomR's user avatar
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5 answers

If the name of God and His Son are so important to the faith, then would it not be imperative that we use the proper name?

In order to appropriately answer the question, in my opinion there are few things to consider. First, there are those that have argued that the pronunciation of the name is not important and is ...
Sheldon's user avatar
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Are adult converts to Eastern Orthodoxy required to use their baptismal names outside of church?

There seems to be various opinions on this topic. Some say that it is absolutely necessary to completely adopt this new name while others say that it is recommended to use it outside of church but it ...
AnonymousAsker's user avatar
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Is there a special name for the room where sacramental bread is made?

In churches or cathedrals that have a special room for making/preparing the sacramental bread, does this room have a special name? Edit: I'm wondering because I saw a room in an Eastern Orthodox ...
Ourt's user avatar
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1 answer

In 1943, the Russian Orthodox Church permitted the women's name Svetlana. Was it made specifically for Stalin's daughter?

Russian Wikipedia says the name "Svetlana" was invented in 19th century by a poet Alexander Vostokov. But some people also pointed out that Svetlana is Russian equivalent of Photini, the Samaritan ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Is there a Christian name of the Destroyer Angel?

In 2 Samuel 24:15 a destroyer angel come and strike Jerusalem with the Plague. If I understand correctly, the accepted name for this angel is Azrael in Islam and Samael in Judaism. What is his ...
Taiko's user avatar
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Cultural evidence or origins that name order indicated importance or authority

In the situation with Priscilla and Aquila, name order is often an argument within the egalitarian/complementation debates. Listing order has been used to point out significance or importance in a ...
Tonyg's user avatar
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Giving a name while doing circumcision?

It was claimed that the recent tradition in Judaism to give a name to babies while doing circumcision, is documented already in the New Testament. Is it true? I'm looking for the source / reference.
Foreign affairs's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

The Names of the Individual Sundays of Lent

I'm not an expert, I read the rules of the community but please go easy on me if I got this wrong. I've been reading etymologies for a few years now and I have a question about the Sundays in lent. ...
Rob's user avatar
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4 answers

When is going to be updated?

According to the new Style Guide of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, mormon should not be used to refer to the Church or its members, which (which is owned by the Church) ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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Did Barabbas have the first name Jesus?

At Matthew 27:17 of Contemporary English Version we read: "So when the crowd came together, Pilate asked them, “Which prisoner do you want me to set free? Do you want Jesus Barabbas or Jesus who is ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is Satan's name Lucifer, Satanail, or Samuel? [closed]

In a few different English versions of the Bible, Isaiah 14:12 begins with something like: How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! (KJV) I thought, however, that Jesus was ...
Jessica Simpson-Varga's user avatar