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Would Jesus have been familiar with the Siddur?

I've been reading a lot from Messianic Jewish sources. I'm really interested in the Siddur, but I can't find any sources which can tell me if the prayers and rituals in the Siddur were practiced in ...
Thomas Pratt's user avatar
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Has any comparative study been made on Jewish and Islamic perceptions of Christianity?

Christians see Jesus as the only Son of God who incarnated as a human being to redeem mankind from sin in fulfilment of the prophesies made in the Old Testament. The Qur'an refers to Jesus as one of ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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When was the Old Testament Canon defined?

When was the Old Testament Canon defined? I wonder if it was defined in the days when Jesus was crucified
Dare to ask-I dnt mind punishm's user avatar
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What musical liturgical melodies could Jesus have sung in the synagogues of his day?

What musical liturgical melodies could Jesus have sung in the synagogues of his day? Do any possible examples still exist, based on historical evidence? Have any musically inclined historians ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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Who could have watched the veil of the temple tear when Jesus died?

A professor today made the claim that the following claim is spurious: And the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. Mark 15:38 (NRSV) His rationale is that no-one but the ...
Zenon's user avatar
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Did Jesus wear tsitsiyot?

According to the NIV, Mathew 9:20-21: Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, “If I only ...
Jayson Virissimo's user avatar
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10 answers

Was Jesus a carpenter or a rabbi?

One person told me that since disciples called Jesus rabbi and since he taught in synagogues he couldn't have been a carpenter as only rabbis were allowed to teach in synagogues. Has this matter ever ...
brilliant's user avatar
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