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Questions tagged [human-body]

The human body, as opposed to its soul, spirit, mind, or heart

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3 votes
2 answers

Why are we not sinless until our physical body dies?

Christianity has always opposed any religion that considered the soul purer or holier by nature than the body, as some eastern religions or Gnosticism did. At the same time Christianity through new ...
Mike's user avatar
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4 answers

The concept of being a "Vessel"?

I've been hearing more and more of this concept that humans are vessels, either controlled by the spirit of the world (Satan) or the Holy Spirit (if saved) and that there is no "independent self&...
cjmarques's user avatar
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2 answers

Which denominations teach there is an objective, theological standard of decent/modest dress?

What is appropriate for a person to wear? Do those standards change for men or women? How do we know? Why does this, which seems like an important topic, not have much of an explicit commandment in ...
Denis G. Labrecque's user avatar
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Did Jesus descend into hell in his living body?

We see Jesus telling in Mtt 12:40: For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so for three days and three nights the Son of Man will be in the heart of the ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
1 vote
8 answers

If you believe that Messiah Jesus is a human being what logic you have to guess that he could be a God or son of God? [closed]

The Messiah Jesus is son of Maryam was a human being. He was born from a woman, he ate and drank, got up and went to sleep, suffered pain and wept… and God (Allaah) is far above all of that, Allah is ...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
4 votes
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How does the Catholic church distinguish between the human soul and spirit?

I see questions about the creation of the human soul, and the soul's "infusion" into the body. But the Bible considers a human being to "have" three parts or concepts: spirit, soul, and body. How does ...
Bit Chaser's user avatar
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According to Jehovah’s Witnesses, in what way is Jesus human?

From what I understand, Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in a form of Arianism that claims Jesus is “the son of God”, but he is inferior to “God the Father”, as he is usually understood as “God’s first ...
Cannabijoy's user avatar
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3 answers

Was Mary given a glorified or "spiritual body" like the resurrected body of Jesus while on earth?

In the 4th Dogma of Assumption Mary was assumed "body & soul" into heaven. Scriptures tells us nothing defiled shall enter the Kingdom of God...(Rev21:27) And also Gospel of Luke 24:36-...
jong ricafort's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

On the Eucharist and Human Digestion?

My Question: Does the real presence of the Eucharist persist even after digestion to the point of being taken out of the body by defecation? Yes this is a serious question. In case the answer is no, ...
Destynation Y's user avatar
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What is the Catholic teaching on tattoos? [duplicate]

Leviticus 19:28 You will not gash your bodies when someone dies, and you will not tattoo yourselves. I am Yahweh. In this article: Pope Francis Gives His Blessing for Tattoos and says: There is ...
Grasper's user avatar
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Which denominations regulate how a cross is worn on the body? [closed]

In public and private, people wear many different crosses in many manners. Which denominations hold any principles, explicit or implicit, that govern the display of crosses on the body? Speculating, ...
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0 answers

The rules on how and when people can wear a cross [closed]

Which principles govern the wearing of crosses? Do some denominations require that it touch the skin, or that it never be removed? Will a cross hung on the neck and one on an ear have different ...
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-1 votes
1 answer

Is it the idea of Platonism that describes the mind-body distinction in 1 Cor 6?

I get the idea that Greek thinking had a mind-body distinction. What I'm driving at is the label and origin of that distinction. I get that Plato had an idea of objective reality - where he ...
hawkeye's user avatar
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Is there any Biblical answers to what condition our bodies will be in after the resurrection? [closed]

I hear a lot of people claiming that our bodies will return to the state where we were at our best. Like for example, a woman with bruises from abuse won't have her bruises. Is there a Biblical basis ...
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1 answer

How are the soul and the body related to each other according to the RCC? [duplicate]

Humans have a mind (or soul) and body, but they are not separately divided substances (as Descartes would suggest). So one could say we have a soul and body. But according to the Roman Catholic Church,...
Marijn 's user avatar
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2 answers

Does Catholicism consider body building to be a sin?

I am an amateur body builder. I have heard that the Roman Catholic church categorizes this as a 'sin'. Is this in line with church beliefs?
ElConrado's user avatar
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Did Angels sent to earth before Jesus have literal human bodies?

There are many instances of angels appearing to humans in the Bible. For example, Genesis 32:21–32 describes Jacob wrestling with an angel. The angel Gabriel appears to deliver messages three ...
Kristopher's user avatar
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Does the Bible command women to cover their breasts?

Tribal women in Africa, South America and Papua New Guinea have gone around with bare breasts for countless generations. When Christian missionaries arrived they convinced the women to cover their ...
Universal Grasp's user avatar
-3 votes
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Do emotions dictate our destiny/faith? [closed]

What is the natural human behavior one can ask? Many times people don't do good things because their emotions prevent them from doing so. It is good to be nice and friendly but if my emotions make me ...
Grasper's user avatar
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Does Roman Catholicism teach that man is body and soul (bipartite) or body, soul, and spirit (tripartite)?

According to Rev. S. D. F. Salmond's English translation, John of Damascus wrote,(1) For since man’s nature is twofold, consisting of soul and body, He bestowed on us a twofold purification, of ...
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1 vote
1 answer

How does the mainstream Christian view of the physical body differ from that presented in The Gospel of Thomas?

What is the value of the physical body in mainstream Christianity? Sometimes it seems to be very negative and to encourage one to concentrate primarily or even almost solely on the spiritual realm. ...
Reluctant_Linux_User's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

According to Catholic Tradition - Was Jesus' experience on Earth scripted? Or did human actors shape it?

God does not play dice with the universe. - Albert Einstein The Bible gives us reason to believe that God (presumably, God the Father) chose the time of Jesus' arrival on Earth. My Question: ...
Jim G.'s user avatar
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How similar was the resurrected body of Jesus to his physical human body?

Different Christian denominations have differing theologies of the resurrection: what it means for us, how it happened, and so on. What do the main bodies of Christian belief (Orthodox, Catholic, "...
LCIII's user avatar
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What is the biblical basis to either consider tattoos acceptable or not?

I do not remember exactly where but I think the OT says somewhere that doing things like tattoos to your body is not good and, to God, is morally objectionable. Is this true? I do know that some ...
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3 votes
4 answers

Does the Bible say anything about a Conscious and Unconscious Mind? [closed]

Unfortunately, I don't have a rigorous definition of "conscious" and "unconscious" mind, although I think most of us would agree that they exist. Question: Is there any verse in the Bible that says ...
unregistered-matthew7.7's user avatar
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A.W. Pink and the Tripartite Theory of Man

Related I have asked a similar question on Philosophy.SE. Background Reading Arthur W. Pink's pamphlet Regeneration: Or, the New Birth recently, I was surprised to find that he had a tripartite ...
Kazark's user avatar
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According to the Bible, is cremation an acceptable Christian practice? [closed]

I have heard some people speak against cremation for Christians, because of the ties it has to some eastern religions. But what does the Bible actually say about cremation, or any other burial ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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5 answers

Why did people live so long before the Flood?

In Genesis 5, some of the descendants of Adam are listed with their ages. The people listed lived very much longer than anybody does today. For example, Adam lived to be 930. The oldest age, 969 years,...
StackExchange saddens dancek's user avatar