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Questions tagged [historical-jesus]

For questions about "uncovering" the historical figure of Jesus. That is, questions about the "ordinary" aspects of Jesus' life such as what He did and said while on Earth, as opposed to questions about the religious significance of His life/events in it.

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Belief of Nasrani Christians

What were the beliefs of the Syriac Christians in Arabia at the time of the Islamic prophet? I have heard that these Nazarene Christians (Christians of the city of Najran) did not believe that Jesus ...
Tahir's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Would Jesus have been familiar with the Siddur?

I've been reading a lot from Messianic Jewish sources. I'm really interested in the Siddur, but I can't find any sources which can tell me if the prayers and rituals in the Siddur were practiced in ...
Thomas Pratt's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Trinitarian Christianity says Jesus was fully God and Fully man. Did Jesus (the man) know this to be the case?

Trinitarian Christianity and other major denominations contend that Jesus was fully man and fully God at the same time. Did Jesus in his human nature, know that he had another nature (as "God the ...
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-5 votes
1 answer

The Council of Nicaea, 324-325 AD, changed the Name Yahshuwah (Yeshua? Yashua?) to iesus Kristus (Jesus Kristus, Jesus Christ). Why did they do that?

My research into the Council of Nicaea called by the pagan Roman emperor Constantine, shows they Council of Nicaea voted to change the name to iesus kristus by a vote of 161 for & 157 against. ...
MISTERG2u's user avatar
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A question about the death of Judas [duplicate]

Can someone solve this contradictions about judas death. 1: did he commit suicide or he fall accidently and died? Did he throw the money and walked away or did he purchase the field? Please use ...
sha chow's user avatar
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3 answers

When did the demand for explicit deity claims by Jesus emerge?

It is my opinion that the demand or challenge to point to explicit deity claims by Jesus in the Bible began in very recent times—possibly not until the 20th century, by groups that denied his deity. ...
Michael16's user avatar
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2 answers

What do Christians who say Scripture is not History believe?

I've been watching lectures from Centre Place with interest. While they hold services and claim to be Christians, they seem to hold a minimalist view of the historicity of Scripture. They admit that ...
Asik's user avatar
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1 answer

What was the size of the crowd outside the Praetorium when Jesus and Barabbas were offered to be released?

What was the size of the crowd outside the Praetorium when Jesus and Barabbas were offered to be released at the Passover feast? Are there any historical accounts as to the size of the crowd?
Koh Yi Min Jason's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the biblical basis for the argument that the 'mission of Jesus' was to 'restore humanity to a state of sinless purity'?

The teachings of the Unification Church are based on the Bible but with new interpretations, and Moon saw his role as completing the unfulfilled mission of Jesus to restore humanity to a state of “...
Nigel J's user avatar
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Has any comparative study been made on Jewish and Islamic perceptions of Christianity?

Christians see Jesus as the only Son of God who incarnated as a human being to redeem mankind from sin in fulfilment of the prophesies made in the Old Testament. The Qur'an refers to Jesus as one of ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
4 votes
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People connected to Jesus

In his book History and Christianity: A Vigorous, Convincing Presentation of the Evidence for a Historical Jesus (1965, IVP Press), John Warwick Montgomery says on page 34: Irenaeus had often heard ...
user1010110's user avatar
-4 votes
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Contemporary Evidence for Jesus [closed]

Within Jesus's lifetime: I expect that Jesus would have written or dictated thousands of documents, and insured their preservation. I expect that Jesus's disciples would have written or dictated tens ...
user1010110's user avatar
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What does Origen mean in his response when Celsus accuses Christ' of using black magic when performing miracles? What is the actual argument?

From the Wikipedia page: Origen responds to Celsus's accusation that Jesus had performed his miracles using magic rather than divine powers by asserting that, unlike magicians, Jesus had not ...
setszu's user avatar
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Does human DNA have markers that Jesus is alive in us?

The author of the Voyager books, Ashayana Dean, offers a graph that is called Diamond Sun DNA 12 strand Celestial human silicate lineage related to that of Jesus. Can you tell me if modern day humans ...
Karen23044's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Is a historical Jesus historically necessary? [closed]

Are there any historical events that cannot be explained without a historical Jesus? If you cite the Bible, please indicate why you think the passage is part of history. Update: this question is ...
user1010110's user avatar
-3 votes
3 answers

Refutation of Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All (David Fitzgerald)

David Fitzgerald published a book called Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All in 2010. Are there any published refutations or rebuttals to this work?
user1010110's user avatar
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Do Matthew 26:29 and Mark 14:25 prove that Jesus took a Nazirite vow?

Matthew 26:29, Mark 14:25 and Luke 22:18 are three New Testament passages that seem to indicate that Christ once took the Nazirite vow (as did Samuel, Samson, and John the Baptist). It is known that ...
Felipe Ligeiro's user avatar
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7 answers

Why did Jesus come?

This is an honest question and I would just like to know why "Jesus". "God sent his Son as Redeemer and Savior. In his Son and through him, he invites men to become, in the Holy Spirit, ...
Emu's user avatar
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Why is there no pagan historical evidence written by authors who were alive during the life of Jesus?

"What kinds of things did the pagan authors of Jesus time have to say about him?" asks Dr. Bart Ehrman in his book Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millenum (Oxford University Press). &...
Alex Iglesias's user avatar
-1 votes
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What would be the professional consequences for a theologian if he denied publicly the existence of Jesus Christ?

I would like to know whether there are professional consequences for a theologian to deny the existence of Jesus Christ? If there are, how would they look like depending on the position the respective ...
baxbear's user avatar
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6 answers

Jesus' Soul and Spirit? [closed]

What is the difference between soul and spirit? When Jesus was made flesh he had human and divine natures. Being human, he had a human soul too. But In nature he is God. God is spirit. Does anyone ...
Wenura's user avatar
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When was the Old Testament Canon defined?

When was the Old Testament Canon defined? I wonder if it was defined in the days when Jesus was crucified
Dare to ask-I dnt mind punishm's user avatar
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What is the basis for the Jesus Seminar's search for the "Historical Jesus" movement?

"The Jesus Seminar was a group of about 50 critical biblical scholars and 100 laymen founded in 1985 by Robert Funk that originated under the auspices of the Westar Institute. The seminar was ...
Sam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why would the priests bribe guards to lie when given clear evidence that Jesus was immortal? (Mt. 28:11-12) [closed]

Logic speaks to me that, no matter HOW much I hated someone, if given clear testimony from the best of the Roman guard that the guy fulfilled his own prediction and was raised from the dead by ...
Kumario's user avatar
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How to respond to the claims says that Jesus went to India? [duplicate]

I recently saw that some say Jesus went to India/Tibet in the silent ages(generally refers to the period of Jesus's life between his childhood and the beginning of his ministry, a period not described ...
Wenura's user avatar
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Was Jesus actively persecuted at any other points during his Ministry and/or adult life?

It's commonly agreed upon that the Ministry of Jesus lasted at least 3 years. However, the plot to arrest Jesus begins only a few days before his crucifixion according to Matthew 26:1-5. Do we know if ...
Paul Omans's user avatar
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Did Jesus hear people's confessions while He was living on the Earth?

I am curious to know if the Bible mentions anything about Jesus listening to people's confessions and forgiving their sins when He was living on the Earth. For example, did He ever visit people who ...
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Does any of the Greek of Luke 1:1-4 prove that Jesus had stenographers record His words?

We read: “Inasmuch as many have taken in hand to set in order a narrative of those things which have been fulfilled among us, just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of ...
Cork88's user avatar
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When was the first sunday?

When was Sunday created? I mean, we have Sunday once a week , so every 7 days, who decided that? The same thing for Islam, who decided that the holy day is Friday, that happens to be every 7 days? I ...
another_random_guy's user avatar
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What evidence can be used to show the historicity of Jesus?

In a debate about the historicity of Jesus, what/whom can I reference to show that Jesus was an historical figure? It seems the “Jesus as a Myth” crowd is still with us. Note: (1) I already am ...
tale852150's user avatar
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Did James brother of Jesus, believe that Jesus is God? if so, why were some Jews in the city offended by his death according to Josephus?

According to Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jew: AND now Caesar, upon hearing the death of Festus, sent Albinus into Judea, as procurator. But the king deprived Joseph of the high priesthood, ...
capri reds's user avatar
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Is it correct to say Bible has 2 eyewitness accounts (Matthew, Mark and Luke as comprehensive one & John being the other) of Jesus Christ's lifetime?

Since the Synoptic problem indicates that the Synoptic gospels form a comprehensive view that gives a holistic perspective, therefore, bible readers can Not use the argument that the 3 gospels of ...
user1338998's user avatar
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Could Jesus understand (and read) Latin? [duplicate]

I read that Jesus probably spoke Arameic and Hebrew. And that a Bible verse indicated that he could read. Jesus lived in the Roman empire, so Latin was known by at least some people in the region. Is ...
PA71's user avatar
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2 answers

What is an overview of arguments for and against the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus? [closed]

What is an overview of arguments for and against the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus? Was Jesus' resurrection a historical fact? What do scholars and historians have to say about all this? Is ...
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What did Jesus look like or did Jesus look different for certain people?

Now, I don't go to church, my family stopped when I was like 8 (I'm 13), the church near me, that didn't have a raping problem and was Christian(not Catholic even though that is Christian), was a ...
Fly- Googly Eyes's user avatar
2 votes
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Is the bonebox called the "James Ossuary" authentic? Is it truly the bonebox of James, the brother of Jesus Christ?

An ossuary is a bone box. The James Ossuary is allegedly the bone box of James the brother of our Lord Jesus. On its side is written, in aramaic, "James, the son of Joseph, the brother of Jesus&...
Andrew Shanks's user avatar
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Why did Eusebius quote this passage?

So this is a quick question. We all know Eusebius quoted Testimonium Flavianum in his Church History. About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he ...
curious's user avatar
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Was Jesus handsome according to Psalm 45:2?

You are the most handsome of the sons of men; grace is poured upon your lips; therefore God has blessed you forever. (Psalm 45:2) Is this psalm about the Messiah or about David himself? Can "...
curious's user avatar
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If Jesus was weak, how could he be a carpenter?

From the Gospels, we know that Jesus was a carpenter. Isn't this the carpenter? Isn't this Mary's son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren't his sisters here with us?' And they ...
curious's user avatar
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Did Jesus' disciples celebrate His birthday?

Celebration of birthdays of some prominent persons was very much in vogue at the time of Jesus, as we see at Mt 14:6. Now that Christmas has come to be one of the greatest feasts of Christianity, ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, how did Jesus go in secret (disguise) to the Feast of Tabernacles?

In John Chapter-7, we see Jesus going to the Feast of Tabernacles in disguise: " But when the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was near, Jesus’ brothers said to him, “Leave Galilee and go to Judea, ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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What musical liturgical melodies could Jesus have sung in the synagogues of his day?

What musical liturgical melodies could Jesus have sung in the synagogues of his day? Do any possible examples still exist, based on historical evidence? Have any musically inclined historians ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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Is There Any Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus like some papers or something? [duplicate]

Is there any historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus like some papers or something or from some sources that are not from the bible . I am asking this because an atheist said to me ...
mina nageh's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the biblical basis for the historicity of the Bible?

That same professor who brought this question and this question is at it again. His claim is that the Bible doesn't claim to be a historical account because the thought that one can look to history as ...
Zenon's user avatar
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Did Jesus write a Bible commentary?

It seems that Jesus is what the New Testament tends to consist of; him and his teachings. Did he ever ‘teach’ about the Bible, the first testament, in any capacity?
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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Who could have watched the veil of the temple tear when Jesus died?

A professor today made the claim that the following claim is spurious: And the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. Mark 15:38 (NRSV) His rationale is that no-one but the ...
Zenon's user avatar
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How real is Matthew 4:1-2 in terms of physical realities?

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit out into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights after which he was very hungry, and the tempter came to Him (Matt. 4:1-2)....
jong ricafort's user avatar
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Does the Minimal Facts Argument have the potential to the biggest Christian revelation over the last thousand years? [closed]

I recently came across the "Minimal Facts Argument" by Dr Gary Habermas. In short, the argument is that there are a half dozen reliable historical facts (even for those who'd judge the NT as ...
Mr Heelis's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

Can we know the exact date of Resurrection?

Wikipedia gives two possible dates for crucifixion 7 Apr 30 and 3 Apr 33: I wonder why we cannot date the event with accuracy since we know the details : full moon on 14 Nisan. It would seem quite ...
user157860's user avatar
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Did Christ consort with mystics?

In the time of Christ, were there mystics, Jewish or otherwise, with whom Christ consorted before or during the time of His ministry? By "mystics" is meant those comparable to Sufi mystics, who seek ...
DJG's user avatar
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