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According to Genesis, did all land animals come before humans, or were some created after?

According to Genesis 1:25, God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds on the 6th day. It then says at Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man According to Young Earth ...
Only True God's user avatar
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When interpreting the Genesis Creation LITERALLY, does there EXIST a better cosmological explanation then a geocentric earth?

The Genesis account of creation tells of YHWH creating the earth and heavens on the first day. Then 3 days later He created the luminaries. From a literal interpretation, is there an alternative ...
Read Less Pray More's user avatar
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What is Ken Ham's opinion of denominations that allow for evolution and an old universe?

Background: I remember watching most of the Ken Ham vs Bill Nye debate back around 2013-2015. I found the whole thing pointless. My thought was like 'If the guy says (my interpretation of the) Bible ...
BCLC's user avatar
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According to Young Earth Creationism, how did carnivores come into existence?

According to Young Earth Creationism, were all animals vegetarian/vegan before the fall? If so, how did carnivores come into existence? Did carnivores evolve from vegetarian ancestors? Were carnivores ...
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Which day of Creation Week were the stars created?

This question is directed to those who believe the entire universe was created just 6000 years ago (approx) during "creation week" of Gen 1. Question: On which day was the universe (all ...
Dottard's user avatar
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How do YECs interpret waters above the expanse in Genesis 1?

According to Protestant Young Earth Creationists what are the waters above the expanse in Genesis 1? Day four says the expanse contains the stars sun and moon so I do not think it can be the ...
Doberg's user avatar
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Prior to the scientific consensus regarding the age of mankind, were there any theologians who argued that the date of Adam's creation was unknowable?

Prior to modern scientific consensus regarding the age of mankind, were there any theologians who argued that the chronology in Genesis 1-11 could not be used to calculate the date of Adam's creation?
למה זה תשאל לשמי's user avatar
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How is the earth soon after God turn the light on according to the literalist / YEC?

Genesis 1:2 Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. Is the other half of earth dark? My understanding is that when the light was created, then (logically) the other half of the ...
karma's user avatar
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To the YEC, did God make a single male/female pair of each kind of animal?

Genesis 1:21-22 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird ...
karma's user avatar
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What is the case for interpreting the Genesis creation account literally?

I think we can all agree that the entire Bible is not meant to be taken literally. Consider the Song of Solomon (what would his lover look like if we take it literally?) or the book of Revelation. ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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