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14 votes
7 answers

Why did God make it a sin to eat an apple?

Eating a fruit* is not even a real wicked deed like killing somebody or something. Why did this whole sin thing get started with something so innocuous that by today's standard it wouldn't even be ...
Caleb's user avatar
  • 37.5k
14 votes
6 answers

Why did God need to plant the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden in the first place? [closed]

Why did God need to plant the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden in the first place? I mean Mormons say that God was in fact having a hidden desire for Adam and Eve to disobey ...
brilliant's user avatar
  • 10.1k
15 votes
9 answers

In which region of earth is the Garden of Eden located?

Genesis 2:15(NIV) The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. I'm curious to know, now, in which which country is the Garden of Eden located? (...
Vijin Paulraj's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Before the fall of Adam, did anything die? [closed]

This seems like a simple question, but I cannot find a clear answer. The book of Genesis (1:29,30), implies that Adam just ate "plants and herbs". So I think it is safe to assume animals were not ...
Nicholas's user avatar
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1 answer

Which mountain is the "Prophet Mountain" Anne Catherine Emmerich mentions in her writings?

In writing down her visions of the Creation and Fall of Man and of all Biblical events, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich mentions a Prophet Mountain from where she has seen Paradise, she writes. Is ...
LoveForChrist's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Was the Garden of Eden created on the third or sixth day of Creation?

I am having serious problems interpreting this passage from Genesis involving the Garden of Eden. According to Genesis 2:8-17, where the creation of the Garden is described, it seems to say that the ...
Felipe Ligeiro's user avatar