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Questions tagged [church-building]

Use the church-building tag for questions about buildings used for CVhristian meeting and worship.

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4 votes
2 answers

What does Canon Law say about tabernacle placement?

I went to a church recently and the tabernacle was not placed in the center (the apse), nor to the side (the transept), nor anywhere within the nave, chancel, etc. Rather, the tabernacle was placed in ...
Cardinal System's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

Why do Catholic churches have a red lamp burning inside?

Is there any significance to the red lamp that is lit inside Catholic churches? I ask because I recently saw a green lamp lit at the entrance to a Church of Scotland village church and wondered if ...
Lesley's user avatar
  • 33.1k
-1 votes
1 answer

When and from whom is the source that for Christians, God dwells in buildings you go to, rather than in believers?

The question of when Christians started attending church at a building rather than their homes led to a few answers and comments. One got me to thinking and asking this question. When did the concept ...
SLM's user avatar
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2 answers

Nature of the Church in 1st Corinthians

In 1 Corinthians 1:10-12 - (“10 I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same ...
user10077's user avatar
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2 answers

What's the reasoning behind sacramental architecture?

What is the basis for catholic sacred architecture, or sacramental architecture as I've heard it said and what are it's main components? Is this a doctrine rooted in scripture somewhere? When was ...
LCIII's user avatar
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3 answers

What is or are the mechanism(s) behind the naming conventions for a church building or organization?

What is or are the mechanism(s) behind the naming conventions for a church building or organization in a denomination, say Presbyterianism? This question can be reworded as "When churches assign ...
Double U's user avatar
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What is the symbolism of the Peacock?

In some churches I have seen, the peacock is used in furniture or other similar items: It can also be seen in some Iconography and decoration: I was just wondering what the symbolism of the Peacock ...
Byzantine's user avatar
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4 answers

Why do churches have steeples?

What purpose do steeples serve? Are they put high up on church buildings as some sort of marketing tool so it can be seen from far away or is there some other reason(s)?
Christopher Chipps's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Why do Kingdom Halls have no windows?

I've noticed that most Kingdom Halls--the meeting place for Jehovah's Witnesses--have no windows in the building. What is the reason for this? Is there a Biblical basis for it or does it come from a ...
Narnian's user avatar
  • 64.1k
12 votes
4 answers

Why do churches often have altars?

In Judaism, the template had an altar for sacrificing. But we believe our sacrifice is done. So, what is the point of a church altar?
Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

What denomination uses church pews that face each other?

There are some denominations who arrange their pews so they are on opposite sides of the pulpit (or equivalent for their denomination), or otherwise have pews facing each other. Is there somebody ...
musicwithoutpaper's user avatar