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Questions tagged [christophany]

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If God YHWH is “the Angel of the LORD” in the form of pre-incarnate Jesus in the OT, why does He not “rebuke” Satan Himself? (Zechariah 3:2)

Some Protestants and Catholics believe “the Angel of the LORD” frequently mentioned in the OT, to be God YHWH himself in the form of pre-incarnate Jesus. They use the unbiblical term of “theophany” ...
Js Witness's user avatar
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How to reconcile the belief that the "angel of the Lord" in the OT is the pre-incarnate Jesus with Hebrews 1:5?

Summary of the question: How can the "angel of the Lord" be the pre-incarnate Jesus if Hebrews 1:5 makes the point that God never said "Thou art my Son" to any angel? Those who ...
Aleph-Gimel's user avatar
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What is the exact nature of Aquinas's private revelation of Jesus to him?

St. Thomas Aquinas is known to make excellent conceptual distinctions in philosophy and theology, most critically in his philosophy and psychology of the human soul, the nature of truth & love in ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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Has any reputable Christian claimed to have been physically visited by Jesus Christ Himself after Paul's conversion?

According to Acts chapter 9, Paul was visited by the risen Christ -- the well-known "Road to Damascus" encounter. Has any other Christian, of good repute, claimed to have experienced a ...
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Has anyone claimed to have had a "Damascus Road" calling to ministry, which later received trust and ministerial support from fellow Christians?

Has anyone claimed to have been called by God to ministry (e.g. to serve as a missionary, pastor, evangelist, prophet, apostle, etc.) through some dramatic "Road to Damascus" encounter (like ...
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Are there published testimonies from people who had experiences with the Christian God of which they had no prior knowledge?

More restrictive version of the question: Has the Christian God ever revealed Himself to someone who had never heard of Him before? By this I mean someone who never heard about the Bible, who never ...
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Which Christian groups or denominations believe in modern-day Christophanies?

The Bible records several instances of Christophanies, i.e., occasions where Jesus appeared and/or spoke to his disciples after having ascended to heaven. Probably the most well-known example is Paul'...
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Are there published testimonies from individuals who had a Christophany in which Jesus explicitly affirmed or denied his deity?

Christophanies (a.k.a. encounters with Jesus) are supernatural experiences which are entirely within the realm of possibility according to Scripture. Three clear examples are Paul's (Acts 9:3-6), ...
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Do Biblical Unitarians believe that Christians can pray to Jesus and, if so, that he can answer a prayer in which he is asked about his divinity?

I personally believe that there are biblical grounds for praying to Jesus (e.g. this and this), and, as far as I'm aware, many Christians believe the same. However, I'm currently in ignorance with ...
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What is the biblical basis for spiritual encounters leading to instant deliverance from addictions?

I pattern that I discovered after watching many testimonies is that occasionally people report powerful spiritual encounters that have set them instantly free from behavioral addictions, substance ...
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Is there any Scriptural support for claims about Jesus appearing to Muslims in dreams and visions?

I've heard many testimonies and claims about Muslims converting to Christianity because Jesus allegedly appeared to them in dreams and visions. For the interested reader, these are some example ...
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Is there an evidence about the doctrine of Christophany in the New Testament?

The doctrine about Christophany teaches that before the eternal Son was incarnated he already appeared in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord. The question is if there is a New Testament ...
R. Brown's user avatar
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Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - who is understood as the fourth person in the fire? [closed]

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who is understood as the fourth person in the fire? In the third chapter of book of Daniel after King Nebicanesor throws Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into the ...
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