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Questions tagged [christian-psychology]

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In what ways are Carl Jung's "ego death" and biblical "dying to sin" similar and dissimilar?

I was reading a while back and wanted to piece together these two ideas in my head. But as I think more about it the cognitive dissonance only increases. Non-Christians can experience "ego death&...
ToLiveIs_Christ's user avatar
2 votes
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How do Evangelical Christians respond to T.M. Luhrmann's characterization of their relationship with God?

I'm referring to T.M. Luhrmann's book When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God. The book's synopsis states: A bold approach to understanding the American ...
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5 votes
2 answers

What do Christians mean by the expression "to be on fire for God/Jesus/Christ", and is there a Biblical basis for this concept?

I've heard the expression "to be on fire for God/Jesus/Christ" several times. A quick search can turn up many examples, for instance: "Please help. I'm so confused, Pastor Tim. I made ...
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4 votes
4 answers

How can a case be made against reducing the Christian experience to the Placebo effect? [closed]

The responses and reactions elicited by the question Is Christianity testable? on Philosophy Stack Exchange have been quite insightful. In particular, I would like to bring the reader's attention to ...
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Is there a theory within Christianity that explains why some Christians report more 'spiritual experiences' than others?

After reading the answers to the question The edge of faith and the limit of Theism, "the spiritual blindness", I am intrigued by the observation that not all Christians report 'spiritual ...
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0 votes
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To what extent are Christians encouraged to make conscious efforts to "experience" God as "real"?

I'm currently interested in learning what American psychological anthropologist Tanya Marie Luhrmann has to say on the topic of religious experiences. Specifically, I'm planning on reading two of her ...
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2 votes
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What is an overview of how Christians discern genuine cases of demonic influence from mundane mental health problems?

This question is a nuanced version of my recently asked question How do Christians discern genuine spiritual experiences from hallucinations?, this time aiming to address the 'dark side'. A very ...
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12 votes
8 answers

How do Christians discern genuine spiritual experiences from hallucinations or other mundane psychological phenomena?

When believers appeal to their private spiritual experiences to argue for their faith, skeptics typically respond by dismissing their stories entirely, conjecturing that these are more likely cases of ...
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-1 votes
3 answers

Is there any proof that religion is not man made? [closed]

Before I start just want to say I do not intend to offend anyone I just came to look at the Christian perspective on this question. So I was reading about a psychological study about how people ...
Abbie M's user avatar
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3 answers

Can one pray for something "bad" to happen to yourself?

Short version: In the context of Christianity and in particular the New Testament, is it possible to pray for something that one perceives as "bad" for oneself, and receive it? Long version: The New ...
Frère Jacques's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Does the Mormon Church endorse the children of narcissistic parents breaking off contact with them (not necessarily permanently/forever)?

Same question as here but Mormon instead of Catholic. Edit: Okay fine I'll try to make this self-contained. There's this article about narcissists, written from a Christian perspective, ending with ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Severe childhood trauma and forgiveness of perpetrating parents (Swedenborgian view)

What do Swedenborgian Christian psychologists say about prolonged depression, Complex PTSD due to severe childhood trauma by a malicious parent, and complicated grieving?
Bobby's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Theology of self-realisation of God?

According to Maslow, the self-realisation is the ultimate happiness of the Man. Man is created according to the God's image. Does God have self-realisation activities? Especially I am interested in ...
TomR's user avatar
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3 votes
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What is the Swedenborgian (New Church) view of therapies that involve access to the subconscious mind?

What is the Swedenborgian view of such therapies as hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming? Is the human subconscious off-limits due to the possibility of possession by evil forces, or can it be ...
user31768's user avatar
11 votes
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Are Catholic priests allowed by church law to provide professional counseling and referrals to penitents who come to them to confess?

Let us say we have a priest, who is a licensed psychiatrist as well. A devout Catholic confesses their sins to said priest. The Catholic person chats with the priest, and priest asks follow-up ...
Monica Labbao's user avatar
6 votes
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Does the Catholic Church endorse the children of narcissistic parents breaking off contact with them (not necessarily permanently/forever)?

There's this article about narcissists, written from a Christian perspective, ending with claims about how ACONS can honor their nparents. One is: We honor them by insisting that they get the ...
BCLC's user avatar
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When Meister Eckhart deliniates the "ground" and "powers" of the soul, what is he differentiating?

I'd like to know where to look for scholarly articles that could help elucidate unclear points in ancient writings. For instance, Desert Fathers speak a lot about "heart", "spirit", "mind", "thoughts",...
vitvly's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there Christian traditions/literatures regarding fear of God and Heaven in the afterlife?

It seems to me that contemplating encountering God (as understood by most Christians), and one's life in Heaven, in the afterlife, could, in some cases, give rise to significant fear. One might be, ...
Chelonian's user avatar
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Has the impact of a practitioner's theological framework on pastoral counseling methodology been studied?

Do any existing pastoral counseling programs take into effect how the theological framework concerning the doctrine of free will affects the counselor's therapeutic approach? For instance, an ...
Dan's user avatar
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How does reformed theology view hypnosis?

In particular, how do reformed theologians address these questions: Is hypnosis Biblically warranted? Is hypnosis a form of demon possession? Is hypnosis basically a bad idea? Is the question of ...
unregistered-matthew7.7's user avatar
10 votes
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Are people possessed by demons today? What is the modern Christian perspective? [closed]

In the three gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus repeatedly casts out demons, speaks to them, etc. He tells his disciples to do the same. There are so many references it would be difficult to ...
aceinthehole's user avatar
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