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Questions tagged [canon-law]

Laws and regulations made by Church leadership for the government of a church and its members.

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2 answers

What are the guidelines regarding Mass outside of a Church setting?

I was talking to a rather hardcore TLM'er last weekend who, when it was mentioned that we're having an all-city Mass next week held in an amphitheater outside of our courthouse (which I thought was ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Can a Catholic husband remarry when his wife has passed away after an annulment denial?

If a husband seeks an annulment and it is denied, but the wife dies after the annulment is denied, is he then free to remarry in the Catholic Church?
Heather Martinez's user avatar
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What's an "Extrajudicial Penal Process" given for Viganò? Does that mean he is sentenced guilty without a trial?

On 5 July 2024, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), in an "Extrajudicial Penal Process", simply declared Viganò as having incurred a latæ sententiæ excommunication, but was he ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Why is Abp. Viganò's (supposed) excommunication for schism "latæ sententiæ" (not "ferendæ sententiæ")?

Why is Abp. Viganò's (supposed) excommunication for schism latæ sententiæ (automatic), not ferendæ sententiæ (declared juridical sentence)?
Geremia's user avatar
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Is it a sacrilege to administer the Eucharist to non-believers?

When I was a child, I attended a Catholic summer camp where the majority of campers were not baptized and did not profess any faith. This camp held weekly celebrations of mass, and distributed the ...
Cardinal System's user avatar
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What does Canon Law say about tabernacle placement?

I went to a church recently and the tabernacle was not placed in the center (the apse), nor to the side (the transept), nor anywhere within the nave, chancel, etc. Rather, the tabernacle was placed in ...
Cardinal System's user avatar
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Sacriledge of Altar

Should the Altar in a Catholic Church be reconsecrated after a jr high boy, under the direction of his teacher and sanctioned by the priest, lay on top of the Altar while practicing The Stations of ...
Bantiox Guest House's user avatar
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Is a Catholic who belongs to a political party that supports sins in its party platform excommunicated?

Is a Catholic who belongs to a political party that supports sins in its party platform excommunicated? Before Vatican II, a Catholic belonging to the Communist Party (or any other association ...
Geremia's user avatar
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What would the Roman Catholic Church position be, should I declare myself “member of the Church of England”?

I am a Roman Catholic, baptised when I was a child and later confirmed and have received communion. The Roman Catholic Church is the “default” church in my home country. I have now moved to the United ...
whimsical_festival's user avatar
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What is the earliest canon law reference that contraceptive intercourse does not consummate a marriage?

What is the earliest canon law reference that contraceptive intercourse does not consummate a marriage? Fr. Hardon, S.J., defines "consummated marriage" as A marriage in which after the ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Is "illicit" the same as "sinful"?

I understand that certain acts in Catholicism are considered "illicit," or in violation of church law. Is this equivalent to saying that the acts are sinful? Can something be sinful but not ...
Someone's user avatar
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Clarification on Canon 188

There is currently controversy between some Catholics regarding the current pope and the validity of him holding the office. On a video addressing this controversy (which I can no longer find), a ...
Tau307's user avatar
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What are canonical penalties for criticizing the Pope?

I was listening to Pints With Aquinas this evening where Dr. Richard DeClue, a professional theologian, not a priest, was interviewed, but he didn't want to comment on some motu proprio (probably ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Can priests be on capital punishment juries?

Can priests be on capital punishment juries, or is this interdicted as an irregularity by canon law?
Geremia's user avatar
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According to the Catholic Church, how does the creation and imposition of 1752 canon laws lend to and exemplify the simplicity that is in Christ? [closed]

According to the Catholic Church, how does the creation and imposition of 1752 canon laws lend to and exemplify the simplicity that is in Christ? I've asked this question and had it closed as 'opinion-...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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Of the 1752 Catholic Canon Laws, how many does the average Catholic need to be aware of in order to practice faithfully?

I think the question title is self-explanatory with this one addition (which I didn't have room for in the title bar): Of the 1752 Catholic Canon Laws, how many does the average Catholic need to be ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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Do Catholic Priests Make Yearly Visits to Households Anymore?

I am under the impression that a Roman Catholic parish priest must visit the households of his parish on an annual basis. But is this done anymore? I am sure it has been promulgated somewhere and at ...
DDS's user avatar
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Are the persons nominated to be created cardinals eligible to participate in the conclave before the consistory?

Pope Francis announced the consistory for the creation of new cardinals today. The consistory will be held on 30th September, i.e. there is 3 month period during much can happen. My question: are the ...
TomR's user avatar
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What options does a Church of England family have for disposal of ashes?

Cremation is a very popular way to deal with the bodies of the deceased in the UK, and is permitted by the Church of England as an appropriate method for doing so. The process creates ashes, which ...
EleventhDoctor's user avatar
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What options does a person of Church of England religion have if they are not sure if they were baptized in infancy, and can't prove it either way?

If a Church of England member has never been baptized, then there are pathways to receive this sacrament. You can only be baptized once. What happens if a Church of England member is unsure and cannot ...
EleventhDoctor's user avatar
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Does the Catholic Church Promulgate Anything Specific Regarding Priests and Firearms?

Does the Catholic Church have any explicit laws regarding priests and the ownership of or the carrying of firearms? I am under the impression that Canon Law (someplace) forbids for all clerics from ...
DDS's user avatar
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Banns for entrance into novitiate?

Banns, prescribed by the Council of Trent session 24 ch. 1, are Public announcements of an intended marriage. Their purpose is to discover matrimonial impediments if any exist. Unless a dispensation ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Kinds of "Traffic" Catholic Priests are Forbidden to Engage in

According to Instruction VIII of St. Alphonsus Liguori's Dignity and Duties of the Priest: In conformity with the words of the Apostle: No man being a soldier to God entangleth himself with secular ...
DDS's user avatar
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Do Catholic anathemas apply to people who lived before it was codified?

For example: Do the anathema issued by the Council of Trent regarding the canon of the scripture applies to the Church Fathers who believed in different canons in the early church before the Council ...
Wenura's user avatar
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Transfer from one Eastern Rite (Chaldean) to another Eastern Rite (Maronite)

I am baptised Maronite Catholic, and my partner is Chaldean Catholic. My partner has never been a part of his Chaldean Church, never attended his church and has no involvement in his community. This ...
CFCFCF's user avatar
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Under what authority was Fr. Frank Pavone defrocked?

A story broke recently that Fr. Frank Pavone, a priest (forever like Melchizedec of old, but apparently no longer in the eyes of the Catholic Church) who ran/runs an organization called priests for ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Do lay Catholics have any recourse to override the plans of a diocesan Ordinary?

I like my Bishop, but he has an awful plan to reconstruct our diocese which includes dissolving every single parish and I want to put a stop to it. How can lay Catholics reach the papal nuncio or ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, why can unconsummated marriages be dissolved?

What is the philosophical/theological logic for why unconsummated (ratum tantum) sacramental marriages can be dissolved?
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
-2 votes
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Conjoined twins and marriage and sex

Abigail Loraine Hensel and Brittany Lee Hensel (born March 7, 1990) are American conjoined twins. They key thing here is that they (are female and) have '1 set of reproductive organs' unlike females ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Priest, inheritance, and adoption (in Catholic canon law)

Does the Catholic canon law say anything about the case where a Catholic priest unexpectedly inherits an estate by default since all his siblings (who don't have kids) have died? In the case of a ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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Can This be a Valid Catholic Imprimatur?

Recently, I came across a book published in 2012 which indicates an "Imprimatur" (i.e., permission to print) from Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Archbishop, Archdiocese of Cincinnati. ...
DDS's user avatar
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According to Mormon Church, can "co-parents-in-law" marry?

Same question as here but for Mormons/LDS. I don't see how a married couple's becoming step-siblings is any different from step-siblings' become a married couple. It's just a matter of which comes 1st....
BCLC's user avatar
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Approved Norwegian Bible translations within Catholicism?

Which modern-day Norwegian Bible translations have been explicitly approved by the Vatican or other authorities authorized to make such an approval? The Catholic translation of the New Testament by ...
SoSfT's user avatar
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Do catholic rules apply to former catholics?

According to this article one is catholic if: There are clear, classical and traditional requirements of being a Catholic, most recently expressed by Pius XII. He states that the members of the ...
Grasper's user avatar
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Can step-siblings marry in Catholicism?

(Ok this is gonna be weird but a cursory look doesn't turn up any credible sources.) I'm asking because of my previous question: According to Catholicism, can "co-parents-in-law" marry? I ...
BCLC's user avatar
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According to Eastern Orthodoxy, can "co-parents-in-law" marry?

Same question as here but for Eastern Orthodox. I don't see how a married couple's becoming step-siblings is any different from step-siblings' become a married couple. Suppose Alice and Bob are widows ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Provincial Superior as member of religious house

Can a provincial superior be a member of a religious house and therefore under authority of local superior?
Tim Uniac's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, can "co-parents-in-law" marry?

Same question as here but for Catholicism. I don't see how a married couple's becoming step-siblings is any different from step-siblings' become a married couple. Suppose Alice and Bob are widows (or ...
BCLC's user avatar
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What options does an Anglican have for disposing of very old consecrated elements?

Suppose that I have inherited responsibility for a Church of England ambrey which contains some very old consecrated wafers of bread. Ordinarily bread and wine once consecrated should be reverently ...
EleventhDoctor's user avatar
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Can a Catholic Parish Give A Building Away?

Our town has approached our parish and requested that the parish sign ownership of our Parish Center over to them. The town wants to build a pool but can only do so if they have enough land to do so ...
PEIslander's user avatar
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Are registers signed during a Convalidation ceremony

My husband is Roman Catholic and I m Pentecostal. We married under a lot of pressure with no family members present. After much strife our families have agreed We have been trying to book a notice of ...
Angel's user avatar
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Can an ordained minister be churchwarden in the Church of England?

Church of England canon law states: The churchwardens when admitted are officers of the bishop. They shall discharge such duties as are by law and custom assigned to them; they shall be foremost in ...
EleventhDoctor's user avatar
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RCIA scrutiny reading

When there is an RCIA elect in the mass to receive the Rite of scrutiny. Can the priest choose the gospel of the liturgical year that is different from the Gospel the Rite indicate. We only have 1 ...
Thich Phung's user avatar
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Can a declaration of nullity obtained by deception be valid?

The Council of Trent session 24 on matrimony says the Church can judge matrimonial cases: Canon XII.—If any one saith, that matrimonial causes do not belong to ecclesiastical judges: let him be ...
Geremia's user avatar
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What does "quality" mean in canon 1098?

I was wondering about the definition of "quality" in canon 1098 of the Catholic Church's 1983 Code of Canon Law: Can. 1098 A person contracts invalidly who enters into a marriage deceived ...
John Harmy's user avatar
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Why is the Church of England planning a formal “act of repentance” to apologise to the Jewish community for the expulsion of Jews in 1290?

The 1222 Synod of Oxford approved of two canons aimed against Jews living in England. The Synod was held on the 11th of June, and presided over by Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury and ...
Lesley's user avatar
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What steps are involved in Catholic churches divorce investigation?

I was civilly married and then got divorced 2 years later. I am now civilly married again and would like to get married properly in church. The Dean of my diocese has asked me and my current wife to ...
user59683's user avatar
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Ascension Mass when traveling between dioceses?

If you live in a diocese that celebrates the Ascension on Thursday, but you're out of town and temporarily in a diocese that celebrates the Ascension on the following Sunday, what are you supposed to ...
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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When did the early church start to require couples to be both baptized Christians before marriage?

This question is prompted by another question that brought up the validity of St. Monica's marriage to Patricius, a pagan. Assuming that Monica and Patricius were married in the church in Thasgate, ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
7 votes
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Can a church pastor prohibit sacraments to people for any reason, other than mortal sin?

A friend of ours alerted us to an example (maybe there are more) of a Catholic Church (took a little checking to make sure it was really a Catholic Church) that is only allowing people who are ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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