Questions tagged [advent]

The liturgical season leading up to Christmas

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6 votes
1 answer

The Golden Mass of Our Lady?

I spent many, many years in France and while there I read some older liturgical books that explained what the Golden Mass of Our Lady was. These all explained that the Mass in question was in reality ...
6 votes
3 answers

What is the Mass obligation for Catholics when Christmas is on a Monday?

This year Christmas is on a Monday. My wife read in a neighboring parish's bulletin that we had to go to Mass on the Fourth Sunday of Advent (i.e. sometime Saturday night or Sunday Morning) and this ...
2 votes
3 answers

Why was Thanksgiving in the US traditionally the last Thursday before Advent? [closed]

Prior to a change instituted by President Roosevelt I understand United States Thanksgiving was the last Thursday in November. This is invariably the last Thursday before Advent Sunday (Nov 27 - Dec ...