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What is the "remedy of concupiscence"?

The "quieting of concupiscence" (remedium concupiscentiae) is one of the secondary ends of the sacrament of matrimony (cf. Casti Connubii §59), but what exactly is it? How does it "...
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How did Luther explain 1 Cor. 7:14?

Luther denied that marriage is a sacrament conferring grace.¹ He said marriage is a “worldly matter” (weltlich geschefft).² But 1 Cor. 7:14 says the husband and wife can mutually sanctify one another: ...
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Is virginity more meritorious than marriage, according to St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 7? [closed]

Is, according to St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 7, the state of virginity more meritorious than that of marriage? Catholics think it is, and some (all?) Protestants think it is not. Why? For example, the ...
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Why does St. Paul say that a husband is "divided" between his wife and God?

According to Catholic theologians, why does St. Paul say that a husband is "divided" between pleasing his wife and pleasing God? Can't a husband please God by pleasing his wife? Or is that ...
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