Linked Questions

6 votes
4 answers

Did the LDS believe that Christians are doomed to hell?

While perusing the Vatican's official website, I stumbled upon this: THOUGHTS FROM THE DIALOGUE CENTRE IN ÅRHUS, DENMARK "... The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) used to ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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Was Elohim the Saviour and Redeemer of his world?

According to Mormon doctrine, God the Father (Elohim), once lived a mortal life. “As man now is, God once was; as God is now man may be.” ( The Teachings of Lorenzo Snow, ed. Clyde J. Williams ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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What is an LDS general conference?

Tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday, the Mormon church is holding a general conference, which happens twice a year, in place of regular church meetings. There's some basic stuff on their website about it, ...
Matt's user avatar
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According to Mormonism, is the Black race cursed and if so what does that imply?

I was wondering, since I've heard this a lot and I've done some research about it. I'd like to know what Mormons, at least contemporary Mormons, have to say about this. Keeping in mind documents ...
Destynation Y's user avatar
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Which book of Scripture is most esteemed by the LDS church?

I understand that the LDS church regards the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Doctrine and Covenants all as Scripture. In practice, which of these works is most highly ...
Narnian's user avatar
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What are the Journal of Discourses viewed as?

So after reading the comments here. I got curious. I see non-mormons citing the Journal of discourses all the time, but have never heard a mormon cite them. Wikipedia tells me where they come from ...
MaskedPlant's user avatar
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Where are the LDS revelations published?

I understood from a previous question (How does LDS handle doctrine changes?) that in the LDS church changes (including doctrine changes) are based on revelations from the prophets. Those are shared ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
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Are LDS church manuals considered to be the words of God?

In some manuals I've read in the intro that it is official church doctrine, and in some books written by apostles (like Miracle of Forgiveness) it says it's not official church doctrine. Anyway, if a ...
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What privileges and powers does the Prophet of the LDS Church have in his office as Seer?

From what I know, the Prophet of the LDS Church holds the position of Seer, as Joseph Smith did. If this is so, what specific privileges and powers come with that position? Does this include the ...
Narnian's user avatar
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Do any of the Mormon doctrines that cannot be found in the Bible come from the Book of Mormon?

Do any of the Mormon doctrines that cannot be found in the Bible come from the Book of Mormon? This is sort of a followup question to What important Mormon doctrines are taught in the book of Mormon ...
david brainerd's user avatar
4 votes
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Why isn't the Book of 1 (Ethiopic) Enoch considered canon for the LDS Church?

Recently, I have been reading apocryphal and pseudepigraphical texts, and like many before me, I am struck by the extremely specific similarities between 1 Enoch and the LDS's Book of Moses. I flipped ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar