The quality of perfection is a matter of character. It is a matter of integrity. It is a matter of being true to one's self.
We are not commanded to achieve some sort of legal perfection. Because 'I am dead to the law' and 'redeemed from the law' and 'redeemed from the curse of the law'.
Love fulfils all law. If I love another, I need no law. I care for them. I long for their good. I focus on their well-being. I seek their best interests. I make sacrifice, myself, for their benefit.
I need no rules to do this. Love conquers all.
For God is love. That is the manner in which he exists. That is how he is perfect . . .
. . . . and he never deviates.
He changes not.
He is, always, and ever has been - Love.
God is true to himself. He cannot deny himself. He is what he is and he does not change. He is true to what he is.
God spoke the truth when he said, 'I am the Lord, I change not'. He was being true to his own nature - an eternal nature.
When the Angel of the Lord appeared in the burning bush, and Jehovah looked, and Elohim spoke, then three aspects of Deity are described and God said 'I am that I am'.
'I am' is Person ; 'that I am' is nature.
God is what he is.
And he does not change - for he is . . . . God.
If someone denies these fundamental truths, if they do not accept what the words mean, at their face value, if they attempt to 'wrest' these words (as Paul describes it) then I would have nothing to say about anything else in religion.
It would be pointless, if these fundamental truths are not accepted.
And I would feel unable to go further and discuss anything at all in regard to the one whom Mary dressed in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger in Bethlehem.
It would be pointless, for only those are invited to the manger, who accept that Glory is to God in the Highest, higher than all the angelic host.
Who is, thus, God alone. (And there is none other and there can be none other.)
Who is, thus, God alone.
And always is, and always has been, and always will be - exactly what he is . .
. . . . . Love, in perfection.
I have loved thee with an everlasting love [Jeremiah 31:3 KJV]