Legitimate Leadership Ministry Some modern seminary professors teach that the ministry of the Apostles and the vision of the Prophets have ceased. (Although some designate Missionaries as a type of Apostle, since both are sent ones out to establish new church communities.) And an Evangelist is often said to be simply the person gifted at presenting the gospel to unbelievers like Billy Graham and are not that many. Evangelists are considered an also-ran ministry! And it is concluded that this really leaves, practically speaking, pastors and teachers.
In a real sense, pastorism has hijacked the ministry. It is considered the creme de la creme of ministry. On the other hand, modern prophets are oft considered "demon possessed." Those claiming to be Apostles are seen to be deluded. And evangelism is just an adjunct to the pastoral work, who wears many hats. "Pastor-teacher" is a hyphenated word in the Greek of Ephesians 4, so formal "Teachers" offices are melded into just part of the pastor's job description. (Although a seminary professor may be considered a Teacher void of pastoral duties.)
With this modern Protestant outlook on what is considered the Formal Ministerial offices, we must ask, Has the modern Church kept up with the population in discipling, as Jesus instructed? (Matthew 28:18-20) Many scholars---and the statistics---would answer in the negative. Some local churches rejoice in a handful of converts at their morning church services. But at the same time the secular universities and God-rejecting public school establishments produce hundreds of thousands of atheist and agnostics! Hundreds of thousands!
Rejecting four of the five ministries listed in Ephesians has not been a boon to the Christian discipleship program! Pastoring alone, has not in the least kept pace. Should not then, Evangelical Protestants reconsider their attitude---and reexamine their exegesis of the scriptures---concerning the listing of formal ministries in the Early Church, and include them all as a pattern for modern church ministry?
Plenty of Reason There is plenty of scriptural justification for doing this re-examination:
(1) There were men beside the Twelve who were considered Apostles in the N.T. (Romans 11:13, 15:9, 16:7)
(2) Prophets beyond the O.T. men (Acts 13:1, Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen, Saul; Acts 11:28, 21:10, Agabus)
(3) Teachers in Antioch (Acts 13:1; Paul, 2 Timothy 1:11)
(4) Evangelist on the move! (Evangelist/Herald, 2 Timothy1:11; Philip, Acts 21:8)
(5) Pastor/Shepherd (Elders in Asia Minor, 1 Peter 5:2-4; Peter, John 21:15-17)
Recruiting and training Evangelists along with Pastors/Teachers, with full-blown evangelism departments in the local church, would greatly enhance the production of new converts and disciples. Showing that ministry the same respect as pastoring would elevate their esteem in the eyes of local congregation, and provide more moral and financial support.
Training and releasing men to move in the anointing of the Prophet would have a great impact on society, confronting it with the dynamic soul-discerning, redemptive Word of God! Accepting this gifting as legitimate by the Church would serve to expand the impact of the Church on a falling civilization.
Proof of Pudding The old adage stated that the proof of the pudding is in the tasting. Have these ministries ceased? Did God intend His Church to be without these gifts that Jesus went to a great deal of trouble to obtain? Is there no evidence of their existence throughout the past 2,000 years?
The answer is obvious. There is evidence of the miraculous gifts in operation throughout the centuries. Spirit-led evangelism, prophecy and prophetic confrontation, healing (the signs of an apostle,2 Corinthians 12:12), miraculous deliverance, sacrificial pastoring, et al.
But in all of this, it is important to first recognize the putting forth of these ministries as a Formal Listing and Practice in the Early Church. And then to accept them as a Pattern for us all today. They become tools in the hands of the Holy Spirit to work the glories and wonders of God in the earth.
It seems that many Evangelical Protestants have recognized all of this...but there is more education that needs to be done. (To answer this posted question.)