Testability of Christianity There are different meanings to the word, "test." The passage in Deut. refers to impugning the character of God, testing His integrity, and doubting His faithfulness. The use of this word, test, by the questioner is different. It means the valid apologetic of showing the truthfulness of the Christian religion to honest inquirers. God is not offended by this inquiry; He invites us to come and let us reason together. He challenged Thomas to empirically verify His resurrection, as well. (touch, feel, observe, handle repeatedly)
Epistemology Many, overwhelmingly, aver that Christianity can be proven (tested for validity) by several means/methods. Which one is chosen depends, however on one's adopted Epistemology or method of coming to truth. These include:
- Rationalism
- Fideism
- Mysticism, experientialism
- Pragmatism
- Empiricism
- Evidentialism
- or Combinationalism (a mixture of the above)
The posted Question has appealed to one who is "wearing a scientific hat." As such, the Guidelines would contain points that are contained in the Empirical Method, the division of Epistemology used by the modern "scientific method" in research.
Scientific Method This method of testing is called the Multiple Hypothesis Method. And it involves most, if not all, the step-by-step procedures listed by the Questioner.
Phenomena are observed in the microscopic or telescopic universe that illicit wonder, awe, to the point of inquiry and research.
A generalized statement (of the problem, or cause or explanation of the observation) is made using Inductive Logic and this is called an Hypothesis.
Using Deductive Logic, a list of "Predictions" is made, that would be true, if the Hypothesis were valid. [If the hypothesis is true, then these conclusions must be reached.]
To see if the Predictions are true many experiments are done. These experiments are varied according to the nature of the Hypothesis.
Sometimes just one or two predictions are discovered to be false, but they don't substantially affect the major premise of the Hypothesis, so they are discarded, but the Hypothesis remains in tact.
When all the predictions are tested and seen to be true, the Hypothesis advances to being called a Theory. Researchers recognize the validity of the Hypothesis at this stage, but with reservation (caution).
When a Theory passes the Test of Time it reaches the status of Law. This Hypothesis is recognized as reliably true, and worthy of applying to other scientific endeavors. For example we have the Laws of Gravity. the Laws of Thermodynamics, etc.
Guideline If we used this step-by-step guide--as the requirement of this posted Question--where would Christianity stand? If we subjected Christianity to this testing, would Christianity be discovered to be not just a valid worldview, but the only valid worldview (religion)?
We repeat that there are many other methods to verify the Claims of Christians who teach Christianity as the divine revelation from the Only Wise God. But we aver that this scientific method will result in the same inescapable conclusion.
Falsifiability Is this method falsifiable? After all, any proposition or hypothesis that is not subject to being falsified, is not a valid proposition.
[For example: Hypothesis of multiple universes! No scientist could venture out of this universe to know or not know.]
But this method of scientific hypotheses is falsifiable. Recall the information from Biology textbooks:
In practice, scientific research usually progresses most rapidly when several possible alternate hypotheses which would explain the situation are put forward. This is because, formally, a theory can never be proved. It can only be disproved. (Karen Arms and Pamela Camp, BIOLOGY, N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1979, p. 3)
Proving the Christian Religion
So, how does the Christian religion size up according to this method? Apologetic books have worked this out in minute detail, and it would take up too much space here to list the full proof. But here is a condensed summary:
We see a temporal, physical universe that had a beginning.
We observe the immensity of the cosmos and the vast power caused to exist.
We are able to calculate the Laws of Nature according to mathematical equations.
We observe life with its extraordinary, detailed characteristics.
We notice the existence of Mind and Feelings, with the ability to communicate through writing in a coherent manner.
Using inductive reasoning, we posit the existence of an Almighty God as the Cause for the being of the universe, the Creator of life, and the instigator of Mind.
If there is a Creator of the human mind we would expect Him to be able to communicate with His creatures.
If there is a God with a rational Mind we would expect the Universe to exhibit order.
If there is a God-creator we would expect Him to be able to suspend the Laws of Physics at will.
If there is an invisible spirit God with the ability to create physical things, He should be able to materialize at will, and reveal Himself to His Creation. We would expect Him to:
...Enter the world supernaturally.
...Demonstrate His power over nature.
...Teach the highest philosophy of ethics, morality and justice.
...He should demonstrate power over death.
...He should leave the world supernaturally...etc.
And ifGod made revelation to mankind, we would expect that He present a religion that supplies man with adequate answers to the basic needs of the human dilemma, and existential questions.
When the hypothesis of the Almighty God, based on our observation of the universe and life in it, has been put to the test, it is found that the fulfilments of the predictions are complete!
Not only do the requirements for an orderly, mathematical universe find fulfilment in God (Einstein quipped that God did not play dice with the universe.), but the building blocks of life--DNA with needed information--require a Creator God, not randomness. The historical record shows the communicability of God with mankind (through the prophets of old), culminating in the supernatural Christmas birth of Messiah who manifested divinity from start to finish! His teaching has supplied mankind with a satisfying understanding of answers to the existential questions of life.
When we consider the two thousand years of Christian history as a test of time, Christianity is seen as a verified Law of this Universe. It is mandatory that we conclude that the hypothesis of a Theistic Universe is correct. The predictions are not unproven. Christianity is the most reasonable hypothesis to explain all the facts, exposing alternative worldviews as deficient.
"God" (Theism) renders the universe metaphysically intelligible, as well as scientifically meaningful, weaving universal circumstances with a causal chain of immense veracity.
Theism (Christianity) explains the world (cosmogony, cosmology), man (nature, nurture), and human history (origin and destiny) more comprehensively and more satisfactorily than alternative models which fall short and tend to self-destruct at some point.
Resources This is merely a drastically short summary, but more detailed presentations exist. See writings of Bernard Ramm, Josh McDowell, Norman Geisler, R.C. Sproul, William Lane Craig, A.J. Hoover, E.J. Carnell, L.R. Bush, John Blanchard, Lord Hailsham, Peter Kreeft, Robert Morey, Rene Decartes, Greg Koukl, John Locke, C.S. Lewis, William Paley ,Thomas Aquinas, and the many scientists who are Believers.
The Christian model is subject to falsifiability, but is instead, verified. And the passage of time confirms its truthfulness. As J.B. Philips noted, when struck as a large bell, there is something about it that "rings true."
Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the oftener and more steadily we reflect on them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me. I have not to search for them and conjecture them as though they were veiled in darkness or were in transcendent region beyond my horizon; I see them before me and connect them directly with the consciousness of my existence. (Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, 1788)
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handywork. (Psalm 19:1)
That which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God has shown it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the Creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even the eternal power and Godhead. (Romans 1:19,20) (See also Job 12:7-10; chapters 38-41)
Those Christians who subscribe to the doubters' (atheists, humanists, naturalists) narrative that Science cannot say anything about the Existence of God are forgetting that God's fingerprints are all over the universe! (And that His footprints are on the shores of Galilee.)
It is contradictory for atheists to say "Physical Science says nothing about God" (science is neutral), but then turn about and aver that "Science proves there is no God (which they teach university students). As well, atheism is not "falsifiable" and is therefore, not a valid worldview. (It is impossible to prove a 'universal negative.')
Many scientists in history have found reasons to believe in God through their knowledge of the physical universe. (Newton, Kepler, Babbage, Boyle, Davy, Fabre, Faraday, Joule, Kelvin, Maxwell, Mendel, Mendelev, Pascal, Pasteur, Riemann Simpson, Bacon, Morse, Von Braun, Margenau)
It is true God cannot be squeezed into a vial or test tube, and analyzed with mechanical or chemical instrumentation. But none of physical and biological reality (existence, operation, balance, viability, information) can be satisfactorily explained without Him and His creative powers.
Since we astronomers are priests of the highest God in regard to the book of nature, it befits us to be thoughtful, not for the glory of our mind, but rather, above all else, for the glory of God. (Johann Kepler, discoverer of proof for heliocentricity.)