This is an important question, whether or not particular words are used; whether or not similar questions have already been asked on Stack. This answer starts from the negative, seeking to work towards the positive. It starts with the lesser, to move towards the greater.
Negatively - The Lesser
Humans are finite and very incomplete in their knowledge of world history; even in living through present history (up till today), we know very little of the vast, global picture of the evil going on in our world. This makes us incompetent judges of the extent of evil, even from our own, human, point of view.
Given that evil may be far greater than we suppose (I'm not even going to entertain the possibility that we exaggerate it), it is all the more perplexing to us that God appears to be doing nothing significant, or final, to 'deal with it'.
Because of our very limited life-spans, we fret due to wishing God would act decisively, once and for all, to 'deal with evil' in our life-time. We may rightly suppose that many God-fearing people have, throughout the centuries, fretted likewise. The Bible has many such expressions of God's people not understanding why they did not live to see significant action on God's part.
Consider how the prophet Habakkuk complained to God at crying out to him for so long yet God appeared not to hear. There was violence, iniquity, grievous things going on, strife, contention, slackness in applying law, wrong judgment and wicked people compassing the righteous. Well, the answer he got directly from God was that God would act, but conditions would get worse! God would raise up the Babylonians to sweep in like a flood, as his instruments of judgment against all the evil that the prophet saw going on around him, in Israel. Yet the end result would be righteous judgment on God's part; the just would live by his faith, and God, in wrath, would remember mercy. Read Habakkuk chapter 1.
We are creatures, bound by space and time, and that impedes us hugely. Even more significantly, we are all guilty of some evil or other in our personal lives. (Read Jeremiah 17:5 - 10) This, I suggest, could be a better spring-board to dive off from into the deep waters of God's point of view with the problem of evil - for we are part of that problem, even insofar as our turning a blind eye, or a deaf ear, to evil going on around us makes us culpable due to sins of omission. This is where the saying, "Be careful what you wish for" holds good.
Positively - The Greater
What is needed is a Judge, who is both executioner and pardoner, to collate all the evidence before him regarding every single person's accountability regarding evil: every person who has ever lived, and who will yet live. No human can do that. We speak of God, who is from everlasting to everlasting, who is called the Judge of the whole Earth, who will do what is right (Genesis 18:16 to 19:14 in conjunction with Ezekiel 16:47 to 63 and 36:13-36 - reading all of that will be helpful.)
This Judge has already acted in human history (on more than a few occasions) to show us what happens when his patience ends regarding the wickedness of people. He invariably allows a lot of time to pass first, giving the wicked a chance to hear what he will do if they to not follow his requirements, and turn away from their evil. The global flood of Noah's day was one case in point. And Jesus warned us 2,000 years ago that as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be before Jesus suddenly appears to render judgment (Matthew 24:30-39). Not only was wickedness in the Earth so great that God destroyed the wicked while preserving others alive, but the populace paid no attention to the warnings, and the witness provided.
Yet throughout God's written record of his dealings with humanity over the centuries are constant proofs of his deliverance of his people who fear (revere) him, and who tremble at his word. (Read Jeremiah 29:11-14.) That does not keep them from trials, tribulations and suffering at the hands of evil-doers, but it does assure them that God knows full well what is going on, even in their tiny little lives, and the Day of Judgment is coming. All will have to answer to God. Jesus assured us that then, everything hidden will be revealed (Matthew 10:26). And for those who keep faith with the Judge of all the Earth, who does what is right, is the assurance that our lives are now hidden with Christ, so that when he appears, we will be with him in glory (Colossians 3:3). That is why we are told in verses 1 to 2 to set our hearts on things above (where Christ presently is), and to set our minds on things above (not on earthly things).
May such a spiritual perspective help you look at the matter of evil differently; trusting in God's eternity and sovereignty.