Are there examples of the changes or the reinterpretation of dogmas (catholic or conservative protestant)?
I have heard that the attitudes towards slavery and usury have been mentioned as the most prominent examples of the changes and development of the Church doctrine, but I am not sure that those questions had ever been covered by dogmas and so - they can be examples of the changes at the level that are below the level of dogmas. And that is why these examples might now be the answer to my question, as I am looking for changes and reinterpretation at the level of dogmas and not below them.
So, the question is open.
By conservative Protestants I mean the Lutherans that are outside Porvoo Communion and that are conservative in SSA marriage and other matters.
Question made more clear: actually the intention of my question is to monitor the possible changes in the approval and introduction/revival (according to John Boswell) of rites for SSA relationships. This article charts the possible path to it and it mentions slavery and usury as the examples how the attitude of the Churhces have changed. And this book even proposes some concrete liturgical rites for this.
On a bit more personal note: I would be happy to abstain from all of this, but some conservative Christians have introduced Constitutional proposal that severely restricts the lives for SSA in my country and they have created portal in which the ""theological papers" are published by more or less prominent local "theologians" (I am using quotes because their international recognition is low or non-existant, they almost have no publications in international peer-reviewed theological, philosophical or other scientific journals and because they are completely blind of such theological movements as and my impression is that they are deliberately misleading. I am saying this and I am adding this note to explain my intention to keep the answers on strictly theological, academic, professional lines and use only correct sources and research. So far (before mentioning SSA) the answers and reactions are acceptable and good and I hope that this will stay so.
Here is question/answer whether the SSA relationships have been covered by dogmas Does Catholic Church have any dogma about homosexuality?