Catholic charismatic renewal has received continuing papal support since Pope Paul VI in the 1970s. On June 6, 2019, The CHARIS ("Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service") was officially inaugurated with Pope Francis's support.
"Baptism in the Holy Spirit" seems central to CHARIS as we see from several quotes from the CHARIS Statutes (OCR'ed version here) (emphasis mine):
From the Preamble:
One of the characteristics of CCR is the wide variety of expressions and ministries that form a unity in diversity. The various expressions and realities in CCR may be at different stages of development with differing emphases, nevertheless they share in the same fundamental experience of 'baptism in the Holy Spirit'; and espouse the same general goals. In some places CCR organises itself like an ecclesial movement but the very nature of CCR means it is different from other ecclesial movements. ...
From Article 1 (Name and Purpose)
§ 1. Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service, also known as CHARIS, is the international service organism for all expressions of Catholic Charismatic Renewal (or CCR), a current of grace whose appearance in the Catholic Church in 1967 came as a fruit of the Second Vatican Council. Common to all expressions of Catholic Charismatic Renewal is the experience of the fruits of Pentecost through an outpouring of spiritual gifts called baptism in the Holy Spirit, involving a personal encounter with Jesus Christ as Saviour, an openness to the Word of God, to exercising the charisms and to evangelisation in faithful service of the Church. CHARIS promotes and strengthens communion among all Charismatic realities, fostering a sense of the worldwide family of Catholic Charismatic Renewal
From Article 3 (General Objectives)
a) To help deepen and promote the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit throughout the Church;
c) To encourage the spiritual deepening and holiness of people who live the experience of baptism in the Holy Spirit;
Two days later, in an address to a conference related to CHARIS, Pope Francis said:
What does the Pope expect from you? I expect this movement:
- to share baptism in the Holy Spirit with everyone in the Church. It is the grace you have received. Share it! Don’t keep it to yourselves!
My question: What is the relationship between "baptism in the Holy Spirit" (promoted through CHARIS) and the traditional Catholic sacrament of baptism?
Several points that I hope the answer will address (not all of them required):
- What is the scriptural / doctrinal basis of this baptism? Any links with Summa Theologica?
- Has the church issued an official theological interpretation of "baptism in the Holy Spirit" to guide CHARIS implementation? Any relevant paragraphs in the Catechism?
- What is the essence of this "baptism in the Holy Spirit": is it a sacrament? a sacramental? an anointing? a blessing?
- Are all baptized Catholic encouraged to receive it?
- How is this baptism in the Holy Spirit administered?
- How is it related to Pentecostal understanding of baptism in the Holy Spirit?
- Once baptized in the Holy Spirit do Catholics expect receiving "speaking in tongue" gift as is usual in the Pentecostal denomination?
- etc.
I am asking for clarification primarily from the Catholic Church Magisterium, or secondarily from a bishop or from a theologian belonging to an institution associated with the Catholic church.