In my point of view (that of a former Catho turned Christian), I think the commandment is as clear as crystal. Don't make pictures, movies, paintings, etc., of what's on earth.
Look what happens when we do and that has nothing to do with only idolatry. You can lie about the color of the people and make the worst abomination and enslave people out of these images. As a Black person, I realize how terrible the consequences were for us to have broken this commandment. Now, we make our kids look these shameless movies and images that tell them to feel ashamed of themselves because they don't live like what the images show them (which are more often than not altered to serve as devilish propaganda for an even more evil agenda) and we end up having them doing crazy things, wondering where they got those ideas. Well, the answer is simple. The images. Each of them speaks more than a thousand words, and we can make them say whatever!
So no, we should have never reproduced images and used them to create crazy stuff like racism. How many times do we see movies showing us White actors playing characters that lived in places where there was no such White people at the time. What is the real purpose of this use of imagery? And why God tried to protect us from all that?
See how they are turning a star down to represent baphomet (devil) with numbers, skulls and other signs and put that on kids/teenagers cloths, skates, etc. Without them knowing the meaning of what they are wearing. I had to explain that to one of them. And even their idols (the "stars" of hell-wood) are showcasing these awful symbols.
I mentioned I was in the Catholic cult before... well until I read the Bible and realized they didn't follow it. They are actually destroying the real spirituality that comes from the Scriptures. Their "Prions en Eglise" (the booklets they'll make you read instead of the Bible) are here to push the idea that we have to see those who oppress us as being closer to God... The Catholic dogma is to Christianity and the Scriptures, what the Talmud is to the Torah. Total BS. And no, they do not provide the interpretation, they rewrite the Scriptures for the convenience of some. I'm sorry but that's the truth. If I was ever to set a foot in a Catholic building (I can't call that a Church, sorry), I'd ask them how do they explain all that white Jesus pushed heavily on us (same for all the others characters names in the Bible) when the Scriptures are implying the exact opposite! How do you manage to fit that and God changing Moïse's hand in white as snow when he's supposedly already white??? And in so-called Africa/Middle East? Why God didn't just choose the Vikings then? Why don't we all pray druids and such??? Enough of the nonsense. The more we're following those who don't follow God, the more the earth suffers. Maybe we should do the opposite for a change... I'm not saying that to push a black supremacy agenda, here. The only supremacy I recognize is that of God. But I can't help to see the way this world is going is WRONG and I see who is pushing the insanity on us. So if you are really Christian yourself, you need to do some serious rethinking your ways. As I'm doing myself BTW.
So please, help stop pushing the tattoo, the gay thing, the gossiping, idolatry, ego, greed, fake "development" etc. on us all day every day! That's enough and stop the nonsensical debates as well... Is Sabbath Saturday or Sunday??? What stupidity is that! It's neither the day of Saturn nor the day of the Sun!!! It's God's day. Look how WE call the days of the week, just the way of the Bible: 1st day, 2nd day, etc. and finally the day of God! How simple is that!
Remember you can destroy a mind with images - think of the Nazis' experimentations. We can uplift too, but that's rarely how we use them and God knew everything we'd do in the future... That's why we are even asked something as simple as to honor our parents even in old age. God knew how important and difficult it would be for the human fools we are. The more we go, the less we respect our parents and the more troubles we are in.
We are asked very little and simple things: enjoy all God put on the earth for you: food, water, air, the soil/land, all the materials for our needs, wood, stone, real medicine, etc., are given for free; make babies for free; live happily and free alongside the other creatures God created FOR FREE! And then thank God for all we have. Just like babies/kids. Since we are God's children.
But some have decided we had to put a price tag on everything and that THEY would play God and decide who gets what and it what amount for what PRICE!!! Hence the "you cannot serve God and Mammon"...