Muslims, believe in the 1 God, the God of Abraham. It is true that their understanding of that one God is different now than what is was then, different than that of the Israelites who received revelation after their captivity in Egypt and the Catholic revelation of God as 3 separate and distinct persons of the Holy Trinity. Different even than those of the Ishmaelite’s from whom the Prophet Mohammed according to Islam was divinely given the Quran and formed the Muslim Religion. Or different of some Protestant sects today who claim that God condemns people to hell by his predestination while all the while imagining and presuming the rewards of heaven for themselves without first enduring and persevering to the end.
The Ishmaelite’s have played a role in Gods Plan for salvation and for Salvation history it would seem, God still has a plan, for it is Gods will that all come to him, especially those who are farthest from him.
As to the 1st commandment, Muslims, strictly speaking, are more literal in the understanding of that commandment then any Christian sects or Jewish for that matter. They believe in 1 God, monotheism with no iconography, statues or pictures. They are truly faith fully to their religion, with rigorous prayer rituals which modern day Christians rarely compare to.
The Pope, in his understanding of the difficulties in sharing the Gospel message, understands that conversion to Christ and especially full conversion to the Catholic Faith, takes time, especially when it comes to those who, by reason of custom and ethnicity and society taboos, are not free to explore the Catholic Faith, who have been indoctrinated into other non-Catholic denominations or simply have not had the opportunity to know of Gods Grace through his son. It is by the example of Christ living in us, his body working in Charity and Love that we may show those who might otherwise not have the Truth, what the gospel of Christ is. By being an example of Christ, patiently, lovingly and with Charity and faith, being an example of Christ’s teaching we have an opportunity to spread the Gospel more abundantly.
A culture of Love Peace and human fraternity is better than dropping bombs, suicide bombers, or killing in the name of God. It allows for dialog with those men and woman outside the Church.
It is most important to note, that it is not us (Catholic Christians) against them (Muslims) but simply “us”, souls that we should all want to join with us in Heaven.
For God so love the WORLD that he gave his only Son.
One of my favorite sayings of Pope Francis was this, and I paraphrase. To an atheist,
"You don't believe in God, but you believe in Charity for your fellow man, I will meet you there"