good-better-best is a hierarchy of comparibles.
I have this orange which is good, but this one over here is
better and that one is the best of all.
Jesus is referring to "good" in the sense of "a teacher",
"a false teacher", and "a good teacher".
"A false teacher" is not of God, "a teacher" is someone who gives
guidance but may fail at it. The young man is saying he
recognises Jesus as a good teacher, one of value. Now Jesus
is saying this title only has relevance if the teacher is speaking
from God, through the teacher. So in one respect the phrase is
a complement, in another it is a lie, saying teaching other than
from God is ok in the area of spiritual things, and Jesus is good
on a sliding scale. Jesus is saying there is no sliding scale.
Either you listen to God or you do not. So does this young man
accept who Jesus actually is, or is he just playing games?
The reality is demonstrated by
As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. "Good teacher,"
Mark 10:17
This is play acting, for effect, to show how the young man is
wanting to demonstrate what he has achieved and how he has
recognised a teacher of worth, and hopes for a complement in
Now from the writings of the church I do not see such an
analysis as this, so I think to answer your question, the church
does not have an in depth view on this subject.