I understood from a previous question (How does LDS handle doctrine changes?) that in the LDS church changes (including doctrine changes) are based on revelations from the prophets. Those are shared in the churches and eventually at the General Conferences.
For example, as mentioned in one of the answers, in 1978, a revelation came to the President Spencer W. Kimball which removed all restrictions with regard to race that once applied to the priesthood. This is published as the Official Declaration 2.
However, I can find only two such Official Declarations. I assume there should be other revelations which led to changing some things, including but not limited to doctrine.
Is there a place where one can see the archive of those documents? When they appeared and what they contain?
I expect such a list would be public. If they are not published online, how can one request such an archive and from whom (and eventually pay shipping etc)?
While related to What works do the LDS Church recognize as Scripture?, this question is more from the organizational point of view (policy changes etc).