Reading the OPs quotes, and both remaining answers to this question, caused me to search amongst my considerable collection of Jehovah’s Witness publications (some of it going back more than a century). One book does deal with the United Nations, and also the Jehovah’s Witness view of ‘Christendom’ in relation to all other ‘false religion’. Of course, they do not consider themselves to be either a part of ‘Christendom’, nor part of any ‘false religion’. They believe they will be the only religion to survive after Armageddon.
Here is what I gleaned from this old book, which, I understand, has never been studied by today’s generation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Although the U.N. is rarely mentioned, and likewise the League of Nations, this sets the scene for their interpretation of the harlot of Revelation and the beast she rides. The quote starts after mention of how God confused the languages of the people at Babel:
“By this Jehovah showed his power to break up any world unification of
mankind for a purpose against his will. The United Nations, which
has its skyscraper capital in New York city and which glorifies man’s
assumed ability to make world peace, is no exception to this…[Back to
the ancient tower of Babel]
…In the Bible’s very first book babel or Babylon became a symbol of a
mimic theocracy, or rebellion against the universal sovereignty of
Jehovah, and of apostasy from the clean religion, and so a symbol of
organized false religion. Since false religion has spread out from
Babylon to the ends of the earth, she became the mother of false
religion. As such, she was a good symbol of Satan the Devil’s woman,
for he is the father of all impure religion. The last book of the
Bible uses her in the same style as symbolizing organized false
religion …Revelation 17:5).” What Has Religion Done for Mankind?
pp89 - 90, Wt.B.&T.Soc, 1951
Then the book has chapters on ancient pagan religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, and ‘Red Religion’(Communism). All those chapters go into the history of those religions. Between two and five of their closing paragraphs say why they are false, and as being at enmity with “God’s heavenly woman”. However, the closing paragraph on Islam, written in 1951, could not foresee the massive rise of Islam world-wide, and its aggressive means of trying to subdue all other religions. Only in this 21st century have millions of non-Muslims been persecuted (horrifically), for no other reason that they are called “Christians” and will not renounce Jesus Christ. A tiny proportion of those so persecuted are Jehovah’s Witnesses, but the vast majority are not. Yet in modern literature there seems to be no acknowledgement that non-Jehovah’s Witnesses are being as brutally persecuted as are they. A passing mention might be made, but to read their material one would think Islam was out to destroy Jehovah’s Witnesses as their main target!
Back to the 1951 book and what they predicted would happen with the U. N. and it attacking religion. These preparatory claims need to be borne in mind:
“By thus crowning political rulers and teaching their divine right and
so causing a union of the church (so called) and the state, the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy were rejecting the kingdom of the Seed of God’s woman… When the Protestant Reformation came in the sixteenth
century, did it discontinue this alliance of church and state? No! …
When Christendom’s religious systems, Catholic and Protestant,
meddle in the political affairs of the world, allying themselves with
the state and fighting its controversies, it is outright spiritual
adultery, harlotry! It has made Christendom a pornocracy, not a
…let the religious systems know that a violent end is in store for
them at God’s hands. They have rejected Christ’s kingdom…
Christendom’s flat rejection of the real kingdom of the Seed of God’s woman has come in our own critical world period beginning with
A.D. 1914. That year the time came for God’s woman, his loyal heavenly organization, to bring forth the Seed in the role of
enthroned reigning King… at that date is the time for the Heir
with the right to it to be given the Kingdom. At that time the
Kingdom was due to be born.” (Ibid. p.292 – 293 & 297 – 299)
This is fundamental to understanding why the book then said this about who would turn upon what, as per Revelation’s prophecy of the time just before Armageddon:
“Did the religious systems of Christendom exult with God’s woman at
the birth of her royal Seed as King?... Not in heathendom, but in
the heart of Christendom was where World War I began in 1914, the
birth year of the Kingdom… But all the religious systems of
Christendom favored one or another of the nations, but none of God’s
newborn kingdom. Had they sided with God’s kingdom, the rightful
government of earth, the war would never have flamed into a world
conflagration… That is what worldly, apostate religion has done for
mankind! The actions of the religious systems during World War I spoke
deafeningly to say, Christendom has rejected God’s kingdom.” (Ibid.
“Communists with their Red religion and the clergy of Christendom –
which class is the more reprehensible? The Bible answers, The
religious clergy.” (Ibid. p. 322)
“But the woman Babylon in Revelation chapter 17, pictures more the
VISIBLE organization of the religious heads of heathendom and
Christendom. The clergy of Christendom are viewed as the visible tie
between God and men… What about the beast that she rides?... So the
beast that Lady Babylon is now pictured as riding is this peace
beast, formerly known as the League of Nations but now since its
reappearance in 1945 the United Nations.
...The prophecies foreshadow that God will strike confusion into the
ranks of his enemies and they will fight one another. First they
will turn on religion, as a useless, burdensome appendage, Lady
Babylon’s deceptive cries of Pax et securitas, ‘Peace and security!’
will turn to shrieks of Treachery!… The ‘ten horns’ of power on the
seven heads of the peace beast [the U.N.] turn antireligious and
start goring her.” (Ibid. p.328 – 330
There may be earlier such predictions in Jehovah’s Witness literature, but these quotes deal with all your questions and show that this notion is at least 73 years old. However, before the League of Nations existed, they were expecting Armageddon then, as well as during the League’s existence. And they expected Armageddon very soon after publishing that book, and still do, some 73 years later.