Other questions and answers have established that Jesus may have actually died on a Wednesday rather than a Friday.
Have any Christians other than the United Church of God reached the Wednesday conclusion, so to speak?
Other questions and answers have established that Jesus may have actually died on a Wednesday rather than a Friday.
Have any Christians other than the United Church of God reached the Wednesday conclusion, so to speak?
The Bible does not say on which day of the week Jesus was crucified. There are therefore three views of crucifixion day held currently: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with Friday being the most commonly held view. Some Christians believe Wednesday was the day of Jesus crucifixion , and a few held the Thursday view.
That said, beside United Church of GodIA, the Restored Church of God also denies the 'Good Friday-Easter Sunday' chronology along with other Christian scholars of note (and presumably their followers) among whom are: Grady Daniel, and a Baptist deacon; late Charles Halff, a Messianic; and Roy A. Reinhold. This site gives an elaborate and informitive support of Wednesday conclution.