NOTE: This question is asking about anti-semitic claim, not endorsing it
By necessity, it must include the quote. The point is not to be anti-semitic, but rather to understand the basis of the anti-semitic notion that Judaism should be understood as a Christian heresy, even though Judaism clearly predates Christianity by at least a millennia**
I read the below comment a while back. John Struggnell, the lead researcher for the Dead Sea Scrolls in Israel, said:
In 1990, Strugnell gave an interview to Ha'aretz in which he said that Judaism was a "horrible religion" which "should not exist". He also said that Judaism was "a Christian heresy, and we deal with our heretics in different ways. You are a phenomenon that we haven't managed to convert — and we should have managed." (Wikipedia)
The person above is an expert in history, theology, and archaeology. Someone so high placed to make such a comment.
Is there an historical basis for his comment? If not, what is the root? Are Jews and Christians related in some fashion? Did today's Judaism start somehow as a Christian heresy?