5th Commandment: Honour thy father and thy mother
Hypothetically speaking, say my father has sinned, he doesn't believe in God and won't repent on his deathbed. By all of the standards of Christianity, he is going to go to Hell.
If I live my life according to God's word and make it in to Heaven, what happens to my dad? If I am not happy then it cannot be Heaven right?
I could NEVER be happy with the knowledge that my father was in agony for all eternity in hell. In fact, I can honestly say that the knowledge would be so horrific that I would consider it a type of hell. Obviously this cannot be the case.
There are, as I see it, only 3 options: 1) My dad makes it to Heaven with me. This means there is no need to live a life without sin and be a believer. If he is allowed in Heaven then there is really no motivation/reason to live a pious, sin free life. Moreover, my father would have escaped the "justice" some people believe Hell provides. He may even meet his victim in Heaven which I am sure would not be their idea of Heaven. I think we can all agree, this option is not acceptable. 2) When I reach Heaven, I no longer care about my dad. This means my mind has been changed without my consent (as I would never consent to this). I consider this losing my free will, this is not an option. If we lost our free will in heaven, what was the point in having it on Earth? (It is often said to be why there is suffering in the world) 3) I am told he is fine/happy (and I believe it). I'm sure God could tell a convincing lie here but he wouldn't, this isn't an acceptable option in my opinion. It would mean Heaven was a lie and that God was willing to deceive me for eternity.
The problem doesn't have a solution that I can see but obviously there is one. Can somebody let me know God's solution please?
EDIT: I should say I am looking for an answer from a Catholic or Anglican perspective. The reason I think this question is different from "How can I be happy in Heaven knowing loved ones are in Hell?" is that I don't want to presume that my loved ones aren't in Heaven with me or any alternatives that may exist that I haven't thought of (hence asking in the first place).