We have:
- Good - Evil
- Love - Hate
- Virtue - Vice
- Bless - Curse
- Righteous - Wicked
- Obedience - Disobedience
- Sin
I don't mean sin as a general disposition, or original sin. I mean a deed contrary to God's eternal law:
Sin is an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law (St. Augustine, Faust 22:PL 42, 418). It is an offense against God. It rises up against God in a disobedience contrary to the obedience of Christ. Sin is an act contrary to reason. It wounds man's nature and injures human solidarity. (The Catechism of the Catholic Church 1871,-1872)
Sin is the breaking of God's law. (CARM, What is sin?)
Sin is nothing else than a morally bad act (St. Thomas, "De malo", 7:3), an act not in accord with reason informed by the Divine law. (The Catholic Encyclopedia, Sin)
What are those things that are done in accordance with God's will, reason, and eternal Law? Would we call these acts of obedience? sacrifice? praise? Are they discussed specifically?
Please note: I'm not asking for anyone to coin an antonym for sin. I'm not asking for examples of individual acts that count as "not being sins". I'd like to know if the Bible or any well-established teaching deals with this sort of deed, and what such deeds might be called. I am not claiming that performing such deeds will grant anyone salvation, that discussion may be set aside. Also, please don't just say something like "the opposite of sin is love" unless there's a good explanation: I'm not asking for dynamic non-equivalence.
Edit: The answer should make it obvious (somewhere) what is the most appropriate way to fill in the following blanks using a single term or concept, and also why (theologically) that term is best:
- What Cain did was a sin, but what Joseph did was a
- Offering up a sacrifice, visiting someone in prison, and praying are all examples of
is an utterance, a deed, or a desire in accord with the eternal law._____
is the keeping of God's law._____
is nothing more than a morally good act, an act in accord with reason informed by the Divine law.
What is the opposite of sin? When someone does something good, what do I call that?