Unexpected Revelation Since posting this question, I have had the opportunity to come across quite a bit of research concerning the symbolism in Golding's famous book. This is the third most famous book in education in the United Kingdom! (Behind Animal Farm and Great Expectations.) It was made into a movie in 1963 (B and W) and in 1990 (color).
Some literary critics consider this book simply a critique on good versus evil. Others, an essay on Authoritarian and Democratic governments. But there is a plethora of essays noticing the religious overtones---albeit Biblical and Christian symbolism---throughout its pages:
- Lord of the Flies as a Biblical allegory (The First Academy)
- Lord of the Flies Religious Allegory (Prezi)
- Lord of the Flies Religious Allegory (Bartleby)
- Essay on Religious Allegory (Teen Ink)
- Religious Allegories in the L of the F (Academia.edu)
- God and Religious Symbolism in L of the F (123HelpMe)
- L of the F Religious Allegory (Lucas Bennie)
- Lord of the Flies Biblical Allegory (Kelsey Zeng, The First Academy)
William Golding won the Nobel Prize for this novel in 1983, and was knighted in 1988. His personal life did indeed have its challenges...the World War...alcoholism...etc. But his literary output was prolific. And many have seen great influence of Christianity in his novels. Especially his first one: Lord of the Flies.
- The island is seen as the Garden of Eden
- Simon represents Christ-figure (although not an exact image)
- The pig's head with flies represents Satan (Beelzebub:Lord of the Flies Mt. 12:24 The snake thing, ever so big. Golding, p. 47, 1954)
- Jack depicts Judas, the antagonist
- Ralph shows the failure of mankind's inability to live by rules
But to the main issue Did Golding wish to represent the biblical struggle between good and evil...because of the fallen nature of mankind...because of inherent sin propensities?
There are so many biblical allusions in the book
"so obviously referring to the Bible that it could not be ironic or coincidence, such as the title and the beast in the story. Golding said himself, Woe unto me if I don't speak of the things of God. [Van Vuurenn, 2004, p.1, "Good Grief: Lord of the Flies as a post-war rewriting of salvation"; Liberator 25(2)]
Concerning the fallen nature of man notice the dialogue Simon has with the Beast (pigs head with flies): You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you? Close, close, close! I'm the reason why it's not so? Why things are what they are?
Golding believed evil was not an external force, but something born within people. Golding makes that clear in his message of the Lord of the Flies. (Study.com/academy/lesson). He also wrote: Man produces evil as a bee produces honey. (biography.com) He is also quoted as saying, I have always understood the Nazis because I am that sort by nature.
In this book Golding taught that "all mankind has a sinful nature, and it manifests more easily in the absence of societal comfort...The boys left (alone to their own devices) on the island represent man when he is without God or a relationship with Christ." (Genesis 6:5, Kelsey Zeng, p.8)
The story's characters, setting, themes, and references all develop the basis of the book on the fall of man, the problem of evil, and the ramifications of original sin (Zeng referencing Green, 2010, The Stranger From Within, New Republic, 241(14), 31.)
Original Sin Does this comply with what is taught in the Bible? Does man have a nature that forbids him to live without God...without self-destructing consequences? Does man need rescuing from off the once pristine island of Earth? The Bible speaks:
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)
Trueness The Lord of the Flies, is not a strictly a theological work. It is a novel, and takes literary license ever so often. But The Pilgrims Progress is also a novel that teaches moral truths. So also is the Lion, and the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Not exactly holy scripture either; but it serves the noble purpose of spreading Christianity to those who would never have read Aquinas's Systematic Theology!