In the news recently was the issue of denying communion to those claiming to be Catholic, but allowing for late term abortions as a form of birth control. The Roman Catholic assumption, if I understand it correctly, is that the human life of a child in utero with detectable brain waves & heart beats should be given the same human rights as a child out of the womb.
At the Nuremberg trials, the Nazi state encouraged late term abortions as a form of birth control was considered a crime against humanity. However, in the defense of the Nazis, SS General Richard Hildebrandt argued:
Up to now nobody had the idea to see the interruption of [any] pregnancy as crime against humanity.
However, Prosecutor McHaney in the trial testimony, considered the unborn as human beings subject to the protection of the law. McHaney argued:
But protection of the law was denied to unborn children [emphasis mine] of the Russian and Polish women in Nazi Germany. Abortions were encouraged and even forced on these women.
Is there any evidence to indicate that the Catholic Church refused communion to those of its members that participated in government encouraged abortions during the Nazi era?
It's interesting to compare the Roman Catholic approach to the Lutheran approach during the Nazi era. Articles, a book & talks can be found of Rev. Henry Gerecke who served as a chaplain during World War II. He was assigned to the war trials of Nuremberg along with a Roman Catholic chaplain. Of particular note is that Goering claimed he was never refused communion by a pastor, though he did not believe. However, after the war, when he was given the conditions for a simple saving faith in Jesus and an acknowledgement of the real presence of Christ in the sacrament, he refused to take communion from the chaplain. See 2 minutes into this talk.
Were the Catholics, like the Lutherans, in the practice of giving communion to Nazis without regard to what they did as leaders in the state? A similar question can be found here. But this question is more related to a church's view of denying the sacrament to those encouraging late term abortions as a form of birth control.