I am trying to understand the broader rules for my own existence. I know I exist and think. If I want to convey thoughts to another person or living being I have words. Many times words are poor tools for adequately communicating thoughts. How much easier would it be to have someone you trust just mind meld with you for a minute to understand what you are trying to express?
With that said, I would like to think that my thoughts are sovereign. That I have a safe place closed off to work out ideas that are not fully formed. A place where I can reason out ideas free of judgement. Then when I am ready to commune or pray to God, that I can do so reasonably, respectfully, to not grieve his spirit. To not act (speak) to God until I have a legitimate thought that is worth speaking about. Not unlike forming a legitimate question at this web site.
So, is there precedence in the Bible that tells me that I my as well give that idea of a free independent sovereign mind free from God or anyone for that matter, where there a space in the universe, a place in the universe, that is not to be intruded upon by any spirit but my own so that I can exercise my own freedom of will of choice and thought?