One of the most common responses that Christians make is to say the word "amen". Here's an example from a Mass:
Priest: May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
What does this expression mean?
One of the most common responses that Christians make is to say the word "amen". Here's an example from a Mass:
Priest: May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.
What does this expression mean?
"Amen" is a Hebrew word that stems from the word aman, which means "to be faithful, support, or confirm." The word "amen" actually means, "so be it," or "truly."
The Catholic definition agrees.
’Amen itself is an interjection used to agree with, affirm, approve, or emphasize something else that has been said. Thus when Jesus begins certain sayings by declaring "Amen, amen, I say to you . . . " various Bible translations often render the "amen, amen" different ways. Because of the word’s association with the Hebrew terms for truth, the double amen is sometimes rendered "truly, truly" or "verily, verily." Because of its association with the Hebrew terms for confirmation or dependability, one might also translate it "certainly, certainly" or "most assuredly."
When one says "amen" in response to a prayer, it serves as an affirmation of agreement with the content of the prayer (cf. 1 Cor 14:16)—in which case it is sometimes translated "So be it" (cf. CCC 2856)—or as an expression of faith that God will hear and act on the prayer.
Southern Baptist version: "You said it, Preacher!" or "Right on, Brother!"
it means "‘I believe that it will be so" . It is a declaration of affirmation.
The first occurrence of the word in scripture is in num 5:22, where a woman is made to undergo test for adultery,Where a husband accuses his wife of adultery, and she protested her innocence, and she was not been caught in the act, the matter was settled by God under the test of bitter water.
During the ceremony, when the priest pronounced the curse, the woman was required by God to say, "Amen, so be it."
In Islam also, they always end their prayers with Amin, Amen and Amin universally means 'i support or i agree'.