No. We have one God. "Him only shalt thou serve". We keep this commandment. Search the Scriptures; they all testify that this is true. We keep this commandment.
It is true that the children of God have the potential to grow up to be like Him through His power, because of Jesus Christ. Otherwise the terms "children" and "Father" would be utterly meaningless, making the Scriptures null and void. God is not a liar, therefore we are His children, and we can be like Him. All of the Scriptures point to this fact.
Does the fact of any of God's children becoming as He is mean that we have more than one God? Absolutely not!
We have one earthly father, and the commandments say we are to honor our earthly father. Is my earthly father the same as your earthly father? I trow not! Is that same honor due to someone else's father from us? Of course not! Otherwise God's Creation of Families would be worthless and meaningless also. But God is a God of order. He does nothing that is worthless or meaningless. The Family is ordained of God. It is made in the likeness of the Heavenly Family, and is a tutor and a place to practice Celestial relationships, not a civic bond to be dissolved or escaped. "What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder." This warning is as stern as eternity. This life is a nursery for eternity.
Just as each child has exactly one father who begot his body, and to whom obeisance is due, so too each spirit child has exactly one Heavenly Father, to Whom all worship, honor, and glory is due. This is simple, and anyone who keeps the commandments is capable of understanding it.
We have one God, our Father, and we can be like Him through the merits of His Only Begotten Son, because we are also His spirit children. Otherwise there is no Scripture.