Your question is very unclear and a bit of a misnomer. Hope this will explain, and answer what you are trying to ask.
It seems that what you mean is "Who changed the official day of worship from Saturday to Sunday? Am I right.
First of all- The 7th Day Adventists worship on Saturday - Thus the name 7th day Adventists. One of the things that makes them unique is their opposition to the Catholic Church trying to make this change.
The Sabbath is Saturday- the 7th day and has always been and always will be. Sunday is not the Sabbath - it is a complete misnomer.
It came because the Catholic church blamed the Jews for the crucifixion and there is a long and well-documented disdain for everything Jewish, and one Pope even banned circumcision. TheThe Bible doesn't say anywhere that Jesus rose on the First day - Sunday. It says that the women came to the tomb while it was still dark and he had risen.
But their reasoning is that he rose on Sunday, - so they changed the day of worshipping from Saturday to Sunday, but they never changed the Sabbath. God ordained the Sabbath and no one can change that. People
People for centuries have mistakenly referred to Sunday as the Sabbath, because that is the day that Protestant worship and many stores in England were closed on this day, and this custom was brought to the New World with the Pilgrims who came from Holland.