In answer to user3512 redirected here from Which are the exact differences between Catholics and Protestants?Which are the exact differences between Catholics and Protestants?
In answer to user3512 redirected here from Which are the exact differences between Catholics and Protestants?
In answer to user3512 redirected here from Which are the exact differences between Catholics and Protestants?
I. "I think the whole bible is canon for all of them though, I've also hear that new testament can maybe be considered as a whole canon for christiansChristians."
Not exactly : catholicsCatholics entrust particularly the Gospel, within the new testament, as the record of the most probably effectively-spoken words of Jesus (logia, logion). But at the same time, they consider that the Gospel is only understandable in the background of, and in the light of, the whole Word of God, meaning, the whole Bible, where the Old Testament is the context talking in allegory of God finding ways to save the human being, and the New Testament, as the accomplishment of the Salvation by the coming of Jesus. In addition, they also think that Jesus-Christ Christ reveals Himself in the traditions which developed in the historical religious uses of the Catholic church history (example the vows of chastity taken by religious) and in the wisdom of cultures all over the world and all over human history.
Catholics distinguish between 'latrie' and 'veneration'. Latrie is reserved to the Holy Trinity, while veneration can be given to Holy Mary and the Saints. Meanwhile, the Virgin Mary is considered superior to all the other Saints by catholicsCatholics, because she pronounced the "Fiat" (the YES) which answered positively to the desire of God to make her carry His Word in her "flesh", and to "deliver" it to the whole world. Catholics see this "Fiat" as the model of christian life : saying yes to God allows Him to make that that Jesus-Christ Christ enter into our "flesh" (the word flesh meaning here all our humanity : spirit, soul, will, everything, like in Dt 6.5), grow inside our humanity, and be "delivered" to the whole creation, making us become cooperators of the Redemption.
III. "Catholics believe in 7 sacraments while christiansChristians do not necesarilynecessarily believe in them."
As far as I kwnowknow, the theology of sacraments in ChristiannityChristianity is much marked by how theologians of respective christian denominations adressedaddressed historical circumstances. However, each Sacrament has ScriptureScriptural bases. The path I know is the catholic one, for five of the seven sacraments : Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Ordination and Reconciliation. For the other ones, you may wait for further answer from other contributors.
Reconciliation (Jn 20.21:23 again), as a Sacrament, and historiccalyhistorically, came upon the need for faithfull christiansfaithful Christians during persecution to welcome again those who denied Christ by fear of being killed ; later, it became a sacrament, but the forms evolved a lot until the one actually in praticepractice in the catholicCatholic Church.
IV. "Catholics believe in Virgin Mary as a saint with no sins meanwhile chhristiansChristians do not necesarilynecessarily believe that." Catholics beleivebelieve that the only way for God to enter humanity after the sin of Adam and Eve was to enter through a sinless person. Such a person could not exist without God's special intervention. For the catholicCatholic church, the anticipated benefits of Redemption were applied to the whole being of the Blessed Virgin Mary before Christ came to the world, making her immaculate from her birthconception (Catechism no 491-492). The christian faithfulness of Mary was therefore to keep being immaculate all her life, espaciallyespecially during the sufferings of her Son Jesus during Passion, meaning, keeping saying Yes to God whatever happens, which is heroicalheroic. This is why catholicsCatholics consider Mary as sinless. Other christian confessionsChristian denomination do not elaborate such a lot about the place of Mary in God project, and, therefore, do not include any statement about her being sinless or not.
V. "Catholics do believe in the Pope as leader while christiansChristians do not necesarilynecessarily believe in him."
The question of papacy is considered as Gospel-grounded grounded by catholicsCatholics, because of a controversial verse in the Scriptures : Mt 16.18, where Jesus congratulates his disciple Peter for recognizing Him, Jesus, as the Son of God, and decretesdecrees that He, Jesus, will build His church on a Stone. Catholics interpret that verse as saying that the Stone is Peter transformed by Christ from Peter to Kephas (Kephas meaning Stone in Aramaic)him. Other confessionsdenominations, especially because of scandals emerging in the guidance of the church by catholicsCatholics during medieval age (abuse of power, asking of money for remission of sins (cf. alledgedalleged 95 theses of Martin Luther)), re-examine this verse and see it as meaning that the Stone points to Jesus-Christ himself, the Word of God, not to Peter.
Actually, papacy evolved in catholic church as an unavoidable position because of Jesus asking Peter to feed his flock (John 21:17), because of the apostolic succession (cf. first church practices), and because of the nedd of a field management of faithfuls.
I. "I think the whole bible is canon for all of them though, I've also hear that new testament can maybe be considered as a whole canon for christians."
Not exactly : catholics entrust particularly the Gospel, within the new testament, as the record of the most probably effectively-spoken words of Jesus (logia, logion). But at the same time, they consider that the Gospel is only understandable in the background of, and in the light of, the whole Word of God, meaning, the whole Bible, where the Old Testament is the context talking in allegory of God finding ways to save the human being, and the New Testament, as the accomplishment of the Salvation by the coming of Jesus. In addition, they also think that Jesus-Christ reveals Himself in the traditions which developed in the historical religious uses of the Catholic church history (example the vows of chastity taken by religious) and in the wisdom of cultures all over the world and all over human history.
Catholics distinguish between 'latrie' and 'veneration'. Latrie is reserved to the Holy Trinity, while veneration can be given to Holy Mary and the Saints. Meanwhile, the Virgin Mary is considered superior to all the other Saints by catholics, because she pronounced the "Fiat" (the YES) which answered positively to the desire of God to make her carry His Word in her "flesh", and to "deliver" it to the whole world. Catholics see this "Fiat" as the model of christian life : saying yes to God allows Him to make that that Jesus-Christ enter into our "flesh" (the word flesh meaning here all our humanity : spirit, soul, will, everything, like in Dt 6.5), grow inside our humanity, and be "delivered" to the whole creation, making us become cooperators of the Redemption.
III. "Catholics believe in 7 sacraments while christians do not necesarily believe in them."
As far as I kwnow, the theology of sacraments in Christiannity is much marked by how theologians of respective christian denominations adressed historical circumstances. However, each Sacrament has Scripture bases. The path I know is the catholic one, for five of the seven sacraments : Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Ordination and Reconciliation. For the other ones, you may wait for further answer from other contributors.
Reconciliation (Jn 20.21:23 again), as a Sacrament, and historiccaly, came upon the need for faithfull christians during persecution to welcome again those who denied Christ by fear of being killed ; later, it became a sacrament, but the forms evolved a lot until the one actually in pratice in the catholic Church.
IV. "Catholics believe in Virgin Mary as a saint with no sins meanwhile chhristians do not necesarily believe that." Catholics beleive that the only way for God to enter humanity after the sin of Adam and Eve was to enter through a sinless person. Such a person could not exist without God's special intervention. For the catholic church, the anticipated benefits of Redemption were applied to the whole being of the Blessed Virgin Mary before Christ came to the world, making her immaculate from her birth (Catechism no 491-492). The christian faithfulness of Mary was therefore to keep being immaculate all her life, espacially during the sufferings of her Son Jesus during Passion, meaning, keeping saying Yes to God whatever happens, which is heroical. This is why catholics consider Mary as sinless. Other christian confessions do not elaborate such a lot about the place of Mary in God project, and, therefore, do not include any statement about her being sinless or not.
V. "Catholics do believe in the Pope as leader while christians do not necesarily believe in him."
The question of papacy is considered as Gospel-grounded by catholics, because of a controversial verse in the Scriptures : Mt 16.18, where Jesus congratulates his disciple Peter for recognizing Him, Jesus, as the Son of God, and decretes that He, Jesus, will build His church on a Stone. Catholics interpret that verse as saying that the Stone is Peter transformed by Christ from Peter to Kephas (Kephas meaning Stone in Aramaic). Other confessions, especially because of scandals emerging in the guidance of the church by catholics during medieval age (abuse of power, asking of money for remission of sins (cf. alledged 95 theses of Martin Luther)), re-examine this verse and see it as meaning that the Stone points to Jesus-Christ himself, the Word of God, not to Peter.
Actually, papacy evolved in catholic church as an unavoidable position because of Jesus asking Peter to feed his flock (John 21:17), because of the apostolic succession (cf. first church practices), and because of the nedd of a field management of faithfuls.
I. "I think the whole bible is canon for all of them though, I've also hear that new testament can maybe be considered as a whole canon for Christians."
Not exactly : Catholics entrust particularly the Gospel, within the new testament, as the record of the most probably effectively-spoken words of Jesus (logia, logion). But at the same time, they consider that the Gospel is only understandable in the background of, and in the light of, the whole Word of God, meaning, the whole Bible, where the Old Testament is the context talking in allegory of God finding ways to save the human being, and the New Testament, as the accomplishment of the Salvation by the coming of Jesus. In addition, they also think that Jesus Christ reveals Himself in the traditions which developed in the historical religious uses of the Catholic church history (example the vows of chastity taken by religious) and in the wisdom of cultures all over the world and all over human history.
Catholics distinguish between 'latrie' and 'veneration'. Latrie is reserved to the Holy Trinity, while veneration can be given to Holy Mary and the Saints. Meanwhile, the Virgin Mary is considered superior to all the other Saints by Catholics, because she pronounced the "Fiat" (the YES) which answered positively to the desire of God to make her carry His Word in her "flesh", and to "deliver" it to the whole world. Catholics see this "Fiat" as the model of christian life : saying yes to God allows Him to make that that Jesus Christ enter into our "flesh" (the word flesh meaning here all our humanity : spirit, soul, will, everything, like in Dt 6.5), grow inside our humanity, and be "delivered" to the whole creation, making us become cooperators of the Redemption.
III. "Catholics believe in 7 sacraments while Christians do not necessarily believe in them."
As far as I know, the theology of sacraments in Christianity is much marked by how theologians of respective christian denominations addressed historical circumstances. However, each Sacrament has Scriptural bases. The path I know is the catholic one, for five of the seven sacraments : Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Ordination and Reconciliation. For the other ones, you may wait for further answer from other contributors.
Reconciliation (Jn 20.21:23 again), as a Sacrament, and historically, came upon the need for faithful Christians during persecution to welcome again those who denied Christ by fear of being killed ; later, it became a sacrament, but the forms evolved a lot until the one actually in practice in the Catholic Church.
IV. "Catholics believe in Virgin Mary as a saint with no sins meanwhile Christians do not necessarily believe that." Catholics believe that the only way for God to enter humanity after the sin of Adam and Eve was to enter through a sinless person. Such a person could not exist without God's special intervention. For the Catholic church, the anticipated benefits of Redemption were applied to the whole being of the Blessed Virgin Mary before Christ came to the world, making her immaculate from her conception (Catechism no 491-492). The christian faithfulness of Mary was therefore to keep being immaculate all her life, especially during the sufferings of her Son Jesus during Passion, meaning, keeping saying Yes to God whatever happens, which is heroic. This is why Catholics consider Mary as sinless. Other Christian denomination do not elaborate such a lot about the place of Mary in God project, and, therefore, do not include any statement about her being sinless or not.
V. "Catholics do believe in the Pope as leader while Christians do not necessarily believe in him."
The question of papacy is considered as Gospel- grounded by Catholics, because of a verse in the Scriptures : Mt 16.18, where Jesus congratulates his disciple Peter for recognizing Him, Jesus, as the Son of God, and decrees that He, Jesus, will build His church on him. Other denominations, especially because of scandals emerging in the guidance of the church by Catholics during medieval age (abuse of power, asking of money for remission of sins (cf. alleged 95 theses of Martin Luther)), re-examine this verse and see it as meaning that the Stone points to Jesus-Christ himself, the Word of God, not to Peter.
In answer to user3512 redirected here from Which are the exact differences between Catholics and Protestants?
I. "I think the whole bible is canon for all of them though, I've also hear that new testament can maybe be considered as a whole canon for christians."
Not exactly : catholics entrust particularly the Gospel, within the new testament, as the record of the most probably effectively-spoken words of Jesus (logia, logion). But at the same time, they consider that the Gospel is only understandable in the background of, and in the light of, the whole Word of God, meaning, the whole Bible, where the Old Testament is the context talking in allegory of God finding ways to save the human being, and the New Testament, as the accomplishment of the Salvation by the coming of Jesus. In addition, they also think that Jesus-Christ reveals Himself in the traditions which developed in the historical religious uses of the Catholic church history (example the vows of chastity taken by religious) and in the wisdom of cultures all over the world and all over human history.
II. "Christians believe in Christ while Catholics also believe in Virgin Mary and also on saints and adore their figures."
Catholics distinguish between 'latrie' and 'veneration'. Latrie is reserved to the Holy Trinity, while veneration can be given to Holy Mary and the Saints. Meanwhile, the Virgin Mary is considered superior to all the other Saints by catholics, because she pronounced the "Fiat" (the YES) which answered positively to the desire of God to make her carry His Word in her "flesh", and to "deliver" it to the whole world. Catholics see this "Fiat" as the model of christian life : saying yes to God allows Him to make that that Jesus-Christ enter into our "flesh" (the word flesh meaning here all our humanity : spirit, soul, will, everything, like in Dt 6.5), grow inside our humanity, and be "delivered" to the whole creation, making us become cooperators of the Redemption.
III. "Catholics believe in 7 sacraments while christians do not necesarily believe in them."
As far as I kwnow, the theology of sacraments in Christiannity is much marked by how theologians of respective christian denominations adressed historical circumstances. However, each Sacrament has Scripture bases. The path I know is the catholic one, for five of the seven sacraments : Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Ordination and Reconciliation. For the other ones, you may wait for further answer from other contributors.
Baptism (Mt 28.19), Confirmation (see below), Eucharist ("Do this in memory of me" : Lk 22.19 and 1 Co 11.24) and Ordination (Jn 20.21:23) were historically the four first, based on the Scriptures, as quoted.
However, Baptism and Confirmation were two steps of the same spiritual action, the Gift of New Life : Baptism was concealed through immersion in water, and after that, the Head of the Community imposed hands on the new baptized to confer to him the Gift of the Holy Spirit. For organizational reasons, later, the moment for receiving the hands of the Episcope was delayed and reinforced by more doctrinal training. It became thus the Sacrament of Confirmation, which is the final seal of the Baptism.
Reconciliation (Jn 20.21:23 again), as a Sacrament, and historiccaly, came upon the need for faithfull christians during persecution to welcome again those who denied Christ by fear of being killed ; later, it became a sacrament, but the forms evolved a lot until the one actually in pratice in the catholic Church.
IV. "Catholics believe in Virgin Mary as a saint with no sins meanwhile chhristians do not necesarily believe that." Catholics beleive that the only way for God to enter humanity after the sin of Adam and Eve was to enter through a sinless person. Such a person could not exist without God's special intervention. For the catholic church, the anticipated benefits of Redemption were applied to the whole being of the Blessed Virgin Mary before Christ came to the world, making her immaculate from her birth (Catechism no 491-492). The christian faithfulness of Mary was therefore to keep being immaculate all her life, espacially during the sufferings of her Son Jesus during Passion, meaning, keeping saying Yes to God whatever happens, which is heroical. This is why catholics consider Mary as sinless. Other christian confessions do not elaborate such a lot about the place of Mary in God project, and, therefore, do not include any statement about her being sinless or not.
V. "Catholics do believe in the Pope as leader while christians do not necesarily believe in him."
The question of papacy is considered as Gospel-grounded by catholics, because of a controversial verse in the Scriptures : Mt 16.18, where Jesus congratulates his disciple Peter for recognizing Him, Jesus, as the Son of God, and decretes that He, Jesus, will build His church on a Stone. Catholics interpret that verse as saying that the Stone is Peter transformed by Christ from Peter to Kephas (Kephas meaning Stone in Aramaic). Other confessions, especially because of scandals emerging in the guidance of the church by catholics during medieval age (abuse of power, asking of money for remission of sins (cf. alledged 95 theses of Martin Luther)), re-examine this verse and see it as meaning that the Stone points to Jesus-Christ himself, the Word of God, not to Peter.
Actually, papacy evolved in catholic church as an unavoidable position because of Jesus asking Peter to feed his flock (John 21:17), because of the apostolic succession (cf. first church practices), and because of the nedd of a field management of faithfuls.