All the Bible I have seen (Catholic and Protestant) have the books in the Bible divided into two groups - Old Testament and New Testament. There is always a dedicated page just before the Book of Genesis with the title "The Old Testament" which indicates that the books that follow after this page falls under this category. There is also a dedicated page just before the Gospel of Matthew with the title "The New Testament" indicating that the books after this page are categorized as New Testament. I have also seen some Christians holding a small Bible having only the New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs as an addition. I wonder why do we have this division. I'm also perplexed by the use of the terms "Old" and "New". Was this use of the term accidental or intentional? I need some historical and theological background to help me understand this division.
- When did this division happen?
- Why did they make this division?
- Does this division bear any significant importance?
- Can we simply divide the Bible as "Books written before Christ" and "Books written after Christ"?
- Was the use of the terms 'Old' and 'New' accidental or intentional?
- Is this division necessary?
- Is there any Bible that doesn't have this division?