Questions tagged [priests]

Questions regarding ordained members of a Christian Church. Their lifestyle, religious duties etc.,

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10 votes
3 answers

Why does only the priest receive Communion under both kinds at a Catholic Mass?

In a Catholic Mass, why does only the priest receive Communion under both kinds (under the species of bread and wine)?
Greg's user avatar
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6 answers

When did the prohibition of marriage for priests in the Catholic church originate?

The Bible mentions that one of the miracles Jesus performed was the healing of Peter's mother-in-law. This makes it quite clear that Peter himself was married, and Peter is the considered the first ...
Narnian's user avatar
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6 answers

Is confessing to a priest the only way to be forgiven? [closed]

We first confess in our first communion and the priests say that we should always confess our sins, but is it the only way to be forgiven by God ? Can't we pray and ask for forgiveness? I've heard of ...
Pierre's user avatar
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2 answers

In Catholicism, what does it mean for a priest to bless an object or person?

Catholic priests bless water to make holy water and they bless the faithful at the end of Sunday masses. The Pope has a special apostolic blessing that he gives out sometimes. I know that it is good ...
Andres Riofrio's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

What happened to the wives of priests when celibacy was first instituted in the Catholic church?

Since priests were not originally expected to be celibate, many must have been married when celibacy was first introduced. So what happened to the wives during this time when the institution started?
Mike's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the rationale for forbidding priests to marry in traditions where already-married men are allowed to become priests?

As everyone knows, married men are unable to be ordained as priests in the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church, nor are priests allowed to get married for as long as they remain priests. This is ...
Mr. Bultitude's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

History of the age restrictions in the Priesthood in the LDS Church

In the LDS Church, some offices in the Priesthood have minimum age requirements: A deacon must be at least 12 years old A teacher must be at least 14 years old A priest must be at least 16 years old ...
Christopher King's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Are Roman Catholic priests ever addressed as pastor?

I found this Christianity Stack question which asks if Lutherans use pastor or priest: Lutheranism: "Pastor" or "Priest"? However, my question is specifically regarding the Roman ...
Lesley's user avatar
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5 answers

Does Catholicism confound the role of "elder" and "priest"?

I am somewhat interested in joining the Roman Catholic Church, but there are some things that I've had to further investigate, one of which is the role of "elder" and "priest" in the Roman Catholic ...
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5 votes
3 answers

Why are there so many priests in the LDS Church?

I don't have any hard number, but in most other churches, usually there are only a few priests per church (if they have priests). In the LDS Church on the other hand, usually almost half of the ...
Christopher King's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is the history of periodically transferring parish priests?

What is the history of periodically transferring parish priests? St. John Vianney was the curé (parish priest) of Ars until his death (18th cen.). Even today, priests in some rural parts of Mexico ...
Geremia's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it known which seminary or seminaries produced the majority of Catholic priests who were accused of sexual abuse in the USA?

Is it known which seminary or seminaries produced the majority of Catholic priests who were accused of sexual abuse in the USA? The Catholic Church has suffered from the unfaithful and immoral priests ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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2 answers

What differentiates a priest, a clerk, a capellanus, a subdeacon and a rector?

I have been looking at the list of rectors of Eversholt church, Bedfordshire, from the Bedfordshire Archives Service Catalogue. The various people listed there are each described as one of: (with ...
emrys57's user avatar
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0 answers

How do I interpret this list of mediaeval rectors?

This is a rewording of the question What differentiates a priest, a clerk, a capellanus, a subdeacon and a rector?. While I asked much the same questions within the body of the article there, the ...
emrys57's user avatar
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2 answers

Similarities and differences between the priesthood of all believers and the LDS priesthood

In the LDS Church, all men and older boys are encouraged to obtain the priesthood. Women are also encouraged to receive ordinances in the temple, which Joseph Smith described as entering into an "...
Christopher King's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

From a Roman Catholic or Orthodox perspective, what is the biblical basis for the priesthood?

Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians believe in a priesthood, i.e. office of the ministers of religion, who have been commissioned ordained with the Holy orders of the Orthodox or Catholic church; ...
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