Questions tagged [missions]

Missions refers to people or groups sent out from a church to do specific Christian work, for either a long or short period. This is often evangelism, but may also refer to other work such as relief, translation or medical.

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2 votes
1 answer

From where did the tradition of erecting of three crosses around a church originate?

Apropos Ken Graham's Question of 18th August on medieval church architecture. One rarely comes across literature on the big crosses constructed around churches. For instance, you find an obelisk, a ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is the 10/40 window term used by Christian missionaries sort of quaint and grossly oversimplified?

The 10/40 window term is used by Christian missionaries to loosely define areas of the world with the "highest level of socioeconomic challenges and least access to the Christian message and ...
user1338998's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

What is a general survey of the Catholic traditions of the Apostle Paul visiting Spain?

Romans 15:24 describes Paul's desire (prediction?) of going to Spain. Many scholars believe that there is strong evidence in favor of Paul having visited Spain. They point out that it is reasonable to ...
Jess's user avatar
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Why do churches merge?

Our local mobile church leadership has proposed a merger with another local church. Reasons cited were a) pandemic meant they couldn't meet at the public school they had been using for 8 years so we ...
drdenamichele's user avatar
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Do any mission agencies wait for divine empowerment in communal prayer before embarking on evangelism efforts?

My question is inspired by the extraordinary example set by the early Church as recorded in Acts 4:23-31 (ESV): 23 When they were released, they went to their friends and reported what the chief ...
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4 votes
4 answers

Are there any accounts of former Pagans being supernaturally reached by God (or an angel) with the Gospel before any human missionary arrived?

Continuing with a series of questions on the eternal fate of the unreached (see here, here, here and here), I would like to ask a question now about the possibility of God Himself reaching unconverted ...
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1 answer

How often do Christian missionaries follow the example of Acts 16:6-10 in order to make decisions as to which country/place they are to go to preach?

Acts 16:6-10 (NIV): 6 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. 7 When they ...
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3 votes
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Have Jehovah's Witnesses ever encountered a demon-possessed person in the mission field or in other contexts?

Many Christians of different denominations have reported encounters with demon-possessed individuals. Catholic exorcists are an obvious example. In the mission field, reports of demonic possessions in ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Can a diocesan priest become a missionary?

Can a diocesan priest become a missionary? Can he demand it? Does he need consent from his bishop (I know he can become a religious without consent)?.
Ph Ex's user avatar
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1 answer

How often do missionaries report encounters with demonic activity while deployed to countries belonging to the 10/40 Window?

According to Wikipedia: The 10/40 Window is a term coined by Christian missionary strategist and Partners International CEO Luis Bush in 1990 to refer to those regions of the eastern hemisphere, plus ...
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4 votes
2 answers

How often do Christian missionaries report occurrences of miracles while on the mission field?

From time to time I come across testimonies of missionaries reporting extraordinary anecdotes that occurred when they were on the mission field. For instance, I've heard of stories of people getting ...
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This may sound very naive and even offensive, but why does it matter what exactly happened long ago, and why try to spread a religion? [closed]

I was born and raised in Sweden. I grew up with "kinda" Christian parents. However, I can't remember ever going to a church except when somebody had died or got married. I couldn't tell you ...
Hsa G.'s user avatar
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Why did Jesuits and Franciscans disagree about indigenous labor in their missions?

Alejandro Murguía in "The Medicine of Memory" wrote that Jesuit missions in New Spain were averse to controlling native labor. When Franciscans and Dominicans took over after the expulsion of the ...
Aaron Brick's user avatar
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How well provided is Paris Foreign Missions Society?

I'd like to know how well provided is Paris Foreign Missions Society. How come they have the largest private garden in all Paris and located in Rue de Bac (it was originally just outskirts of Paris ...
Victoria's user avatar
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How did Oneness Pentecostalism spread and grow during the 20th century?

Oneness Pentecostalism is a movement within the broader Pentecostal movement which rejects the Trinity and is essentially a revival of Modalism. Oneness Pentecostalism arose shortly after ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
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Franciscan apostolic college governance

The Franciscan apostolic college of San Fernando in Mexico staffed the missions of California, then resembling an apostolic prefecture. Since it was a Franciscan college they presumably owed some ...
Aaron Brick's user avatar
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2 answers

How were missionaries able to convert native populations? [closed]

What made it possible for Christian missionnaires to convert natives of America, Africa and Asia to another religion despite the fact that they already had beliefs and gods ?
WaterBearer's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

As Christians are we called to convert people who have no Faith in anything or Faith in different religion. Baptist/Methodist

As Christians, both individually and collectively as the church, we are called to make and grow followers of Christ but when Jesus says this is he telling us to mainly target Non-religious people or ...
Parker's user avatar
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Catholic orders controlling diocesan territory

Under Imperial Spain, several Mexican apostolic colleges staffed missions in the Californias. This remote part of the diocese of Sonora was best accessed by sea, and the empire paid travel expenses ...
Aaron Brick's user avatar
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What was St Paul's age at the time of his conversion and what was his age when he died?

I think that there are no direct answers for this. I would like to know the age of the Apostle St Paul when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus and how long he lived after that.
venkatesan's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Why has the Church moved toward the West since it began? [closed]

The principle is the that Church began in Antioch by the name Church from Jerusalem and then moved to Turkey, to Greece, to Italy, to Spain and England, and now to China and Russia in force. Why ...
Tom's user avatar
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Did anyone try to convert Catholics on the Isle of Man to Protestantism?

Was there any person who tried converting the Catholics there?
Qiangong2's user avatar
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Have LDS missionaries stopped preaching door-to-door?

Some time ago I read an article such as this one (dated June 25th, 2013), that says that: Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced Sunday that missionaries won’t be ...
x457812's user avatar
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What is the state of Christianity among the Huaorani people today?

In January of 1956, several American missionaries (Jim Elliot and Nate Saint being the best known) attempted to reach a remote tribe in Ecuador in an endeavor that has become known as Operation Auca. ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How many Christian missionaries are sent by the "global South"?

I understand from this answer that the number of Christians in Latin America, Africa, and Asia has grown dramatically in comparison to North America and Europe. My question is, has this shift in ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
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According to Charismatic Christians, do those who never hear the gospel of Christ go to hell?

I'd like an overview of what Charismatic Christians believe regarding the unreached. Are people who have never heard the gospel of Christ going to hell? For example: infants, fetuses, mentally ...
knivez's user avatar
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8 votes
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What arguments were made against William Carey's missions efforts?

I am aware that William Carey's efforts to form a missions society and travel overseas as a missionary were opposed by some of his Calvinist (or hyper-Calvinist) Baptist peers. I'm vaguely aware of ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the basis for missions in a wider hope/inclusive framework?

I read No Other Name: An Investigation into the Destiny of the Unevangelized by John Sanders. I am persuaded about a wider hope for salvation other than exlusivism provides. I grew up in plain ole ...
cblupo's user avatar
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What are modern full-time Catholic proselyting missions like?

In reference to this question: What are full-time protestant proselyting missions like? What are full-time Catholic proselyting missions like in contrast or comparison to LDS missions?
ShemSeger's user avatar
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3 answers

What are full-time protestant proselyting missions like? [closed]

I'm a Mormon, and everyone knows Mormons are famous for missionary work, as pretty much every faithful young man will serve a 2 year full-time mission right out of high school, and many women will ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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Who was the Christian missionary who helped reform English Missions?

I recall reading a biography of a Christian missionary who(after some difficulty, to be sure) arrived in the country he was preparing to serve. Upon arrival, however, he was appalled by the ...
Jeremy H's user avatar
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What kinds of Mormon missionaries are there?

I'm used to seeing young missionaries travel in pairs, talking to people and visiting them, but I don't typically think of them as serving their missions online (as evidenced here) or doing other ...
Matt's user avatar
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What action would Christian ethics guide this missionary to do? [closed]

Please pardon my english if you find any incongruent usage of words, grammar. A first posting by a non-english speaker I understand that hypothetical questions are usually missing all the relevant ...
msk's user avatar
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3 answers

Aim of christian missionary in India [closed]

I am Indian and a Hindu by religion. I have few doubts about intentions of christian missionary that happen in india funded by west.I have no intentions to hurt any religion but to get alternate ...
Gopi's user avatar
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6 votes
9 answers

If God desires salvation for all, how come many people died without hearing the gospel? [closed]

1 Timothy 2:4 states that God wants everyone to be saved: This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God ...
Gregory Magarshak's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is there a reason why female Mormon missionaries wear such varied dresses but male Mormon missionaries wear uniforms?

Is there a reason why female Mormon missionaries wear such varied dresses but male Mormon missionaries wear uniforms? I see male missionaries often. They are easily recognizable, because they all ...
Double U's user avatar
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Why do Christian missionaries start schools?

Why do many missionaries start their mission work through the educational institutions? What is the spiritual focus behind starting a school? How successful is it at proclaiming the Gospel?
Nidhin VS's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

How do Mormon missionaries learn foreign languages so quickly?

Latter-day Saints who choose to serve missions enter a Missionary Training Center for just 2-10 weeks before they go out into their assigned areas for the remaining 18 or 24 months. Since many serve ...
Matt's user avatar
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Which churches today send the most missionaries?

Was the early church a missionary church? Matthew 28:19-20 leads me to believe it was: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the ...
user9652's user avatar
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10 answers

Has the gospel been "preached to all nations"?

Concerning the end of the world and when this will happen Mark 13:10 says: And the gospel must first be preached to all nations. (NIV) Has the gospel been preached to all nations?
77 Clash's user avatar
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Are LDS members expected to contribute a certain amount of time as a full-time missionary?

As I understand it, all LDS members are expected to serve some time as Missionaries. It's been years since I attended an LDS Church, but when I was attending, I seem to recall being told several ...
David Stratton's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do missionaries communicate to people in foreign countries without previous exposure? [closed]

It is accepted by church tradition that St. Thomas the Apostle somehow came to India, but it is unclear to me how he managed to get through the language barrier. Did India have any contact with the ...
Double U's user avatar
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What terms have been used by missionaries to Islamic countries to describe Islam? [closed]

I am hearing with increasing frequency that Islam is not a religion. Here's one citation, from the upcoming "Value Voters Summit" “Why would Satan use Islam? Same reason. It’s not a religion. It’s ...
pterandon's user avatar
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When did female missionaries appear after the Reformation?

Assuming that prior to the Reformation, Jesuit priests did not bring missionary wives or families along, as they were not married, when did women become a normal sighting among missionary work around ...
Mike's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Which groups of Christians hold signs about Jesus or Christianity in public, and why? [closed]

I often see people standing on the sides of the road holding signs that say things like "Trust Jesus". Is this something that Christian groups do regularly? Is it specific to a particular ...
Daniel's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Why did Jesus not want people to talk about his healing? [duplicate]

There are numerous instances in the gospels of Jesus healing someone, and then Jesus in some form or another instructing them to keep silent about it. One example, in Matthew 9:27-31 27 As Jesus went ...
SSumner's user avatar
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7 answers

Why do Christians seek to convert everyone? [closed]

This may touch a nerve, but why do Christians seek to convert everyone, especially people who have no interest in being converted? It always comes off like a drug dealer saying, "Try it, you'll like ...
Seth J's user avatar
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What is the New Testament "process" for doing a church plant?

Given that new churches are to be started (eg the ministry of the Apostle Paul in partial fulfillment of the Great Commission), what is the New Testament model or process for how this should be done? ...
warren's user avatar
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Why do Mormons use the term "elder" for their missionaries?

Most of the Mormon missionaries I've encountered are young men doing a couple year stint. They are typically identified as "elders", but my understanding is that this designation is only temporary ...
Caleb's user avatar
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Why is Christianity so popular in (South) Korea?

So, in my world travels with missionaries, it seems like a missionary, if he/she doesn't come from North America, is next most likely to come from Korea*. In seminary, the proportion of Anglos & ...
Affable Geek's user avatar