Questions tagged [iconography]

For questions pertaining to the subject matter of Sacred images and it’s science known as iconography.

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19 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between icons and idols in churches that permit icons?

There are a number of Protestants that say the use of the images and statues in the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church is idolatry. I know that these churches call certain images "icons", but I ...
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6 votes
1 answer

Why do Catholics bow for icons of the Virgin Mary?

It doesn't surprise me when orthodox Christians bow for icons of the Virgin Mary, since they believe that she is present in the icon. But why do (some) Catholics also bow for icons of Mary? There are ...
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7 votes
3 answers

Are Roman Catholics required at any time to bow down to statues or images?

Are Roman Catholics required at any time to bow down or make obeisance to or kiss statues, images, icons, etc. (i.e., inanimate objects)? If so, is it considered a sin not to?
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10 votes
3 answers

What is the earliest record of using icons to worship God in the Catholic or Orthodox traditions?

The question is as simple as the title. I am simply wondering, ‘When is the earliest recorded date of this tradition?’
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9 votes
1 answer

In Eastern Orthodoxy, how is an icon recognized as inspired?

In a discussion on imagery and icons, the Orthodox Study Bible says: Every image, or icon, of Christ has significant theological content. For it proclaims anew the Incarnation of God, who "became ...
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3 votes
6 answers

Did the Jews use icons and images to help them worship as Catholics or Orthodox worshippers do?

I understand that some worshippers use icons to 'lift up their minds from earthly things to the heavenly things'? I am not interested about those using them as stage-props for a play (in comparison), ...
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