Questions tagged [christian-identity]

For the Christian Identity movement, use the [christian-identity-movement] tag. Use this tag for questions about what identifies Christians as Christians.

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16 votes
8 answers

What is the basis that many mainstream Christian groups justify labeling groups like the Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses as Non-Christians?

If there is no clear definition stemming from the Bible of what makes one a Christian, how does mainstream Christianity justify labeling groups like the Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses as Non Christians?...
Nelson's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

What properties does Christianity attribute to God [closed]

What are the claimed properties of God that define Christianity, and what is the basis or reason for each attribution?
user759885's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

According to Evangelicals, before the Reformation, who were Christians if “Catholics are not Christians”?

Every now and then I hear non-Catholic Christians, usually Evangelicals, say things along the lines of “Catholics are not Christians” or “the Catholic Church does not teach the true Gospel.” Unless I ...
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9 votes
10 answers

Does transcendental meditation conflict with any Christian beliefs? [closed]

I've seen many testimonies and case studies lauding the benefits of transcendental meditation. It is said that it isn't a religion and people of all religions participate in this practice. As a ...
KodeKreachor's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

What is the Biblical definition of what makes one a Christian? [closed]

Many religious leaders/organizations place the "cult" label on groups of people or churches who interpret the Bible differently than them. If we claim the Bible as our only authoritative source for ...
Nelson's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Converting to Judaism or Islam vs Trinitarian or Uniterian [closed]

If a Christian "converts" to Judaism or Islam (or any of the Abrahamic religions), is he still considered saved as a Christian? What if he/she converted from Trinitarian to Uniterian? This is a ...
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-4 votes
1 answer

If I underwent baptism when I was an adult, but If now I am no longer certain that Jesus revived, then am I still a Christian? [closed]

When I was in my 20s, I was baptised. Now I am my 30s, and I am no longer certain that Jesus revived. (Positive) The following is a reason that I can believe that Jesus had revived: In Bible, his ...
with-forest's user avatar